Cape Times



Apr 21 It is good to have a nice sense of humour and to show that you can appreciate a joke even at your own expense. This could indeed be a happy and funny ambit so be prepared to trade witticisms. Cheerfulne­ss will make you quite popular. (PHONE 083 9140 501) TAURUS: Apr 21 May 21 Pay attention to matters of health and hygiene because you must get into good shape and also look well in order to succeed in the business world. Your time and energy must be used sensibly so draw up a plan of action and stick to it. (PHONE 083 9140 502) GEMINI: May 21 Jun 22 This is a promising cycle for making worthy agreements and improving existing arrangemen­ts. You can profit through personal and business partnershi­ps. Your work prospects are very good and you can also count on being a social success. (PHONE 083 9140 503) CANCER: Jun 22 Jul 23 Take the initiative in a new venture because you can now steer yourself along a rewarding path by capitalisi­ng on the lessons you have learnt. You are sure to have a profitable ambit if you utilise your ideas and experience­s shrewdly. (PHONE 083 9140 504) LEO: Jul 23 Aug 24 A largely favourable round for expansive thinking and action. Do not hesitate to experiment and to change direction because you are bound to reap excellent rewards at every turn. A super time to go travelling in search of excitement. (PHONE 083 9140 505) VIRGO: Aug 24 Sep 23 Put a strong accent on your business affairs and career aspiration­s while you have chances to improve your status and earnings. You are due to get a lucky break if you are currently unemployed or thinking of changing your job. (PHONE 083 9140 506) LIBRA: Sep 23 Oct 23 Nothing is impossible to attain or to solve if you are sufficient­ly determined and industriou­s to tackle it. You have powers far beyond your known abilities, and merely need to dig a bit deeper within yourself to realise your potential. (PHONE 083 9140 507) SCORPIO: Oct 23 Nov 23 Faith and prayer can lead you in the right direction; should help you to rise above your doubts and enable you to overcome most difficulti­es. You can trust your intuition as it will prove accurate with regard to people and situations. (PHONE 083 9140 508) SAGITTARIU­S: Nov 23 Dec 22 You must believe in your ability to make a successful new start in life. Think up ways to promote yourself in order to attract favourable attention. New aims could be exciting and rewarding so put your fine ideas and skills to the test. (PHONE 083 9140 509) CAPRICORN: Dec 22 Jan 21 Learn to manage your money sensibly and especially avoid unnecessar­y expenses if you want to increase your savings and have greater security. If you really put your mind to it, you will discover viable ways of making some extra money. (PHONE 083 9140 510) AQUARIUS: Jan 21 Feb 20 You currently have some good openings to explore, can successful­ly talk your way into favourable positions at interviews and meetings should pay visits to and put requests to people who are able to give your fortunes a nice boost. (PHONE 083 9140 511) PISCES: Feb 20 Mar 21 Focus on your home and family life this time around. Use your creative skills to make your living quarters more attractive and comfortabl­e. As this is also a time for improving family relationsh­ips, you should arrange a get-together. (PHONE 083 9140 512)

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