Cape Times

Extra chance


YIJI Starr was today’s declarer in the Women’s Pairs at the ACBL Spring Championsh­ips. I confess that I would have held more points to act over two spades as North, and I would have risked six clubs as South.

West led an ill-judged ten of spades, and dummy played low. East took the ace and led the five of hearts: three, jack, king.

Starr saw that she could make an overtrick by pitching her heart loser on the king of spades and finessing in diamonds, but she spotted extra chances. She took the A-K of trumps and the ace of diamonds, led a trump to dummy, threw her last diamond on the king of spades and ruffed a diamond.


When West followed with the ten, Starr led a trump to dummy and ruffed another diamond to drop the king. Dummy’s queen was high for a heart discard, making six.

Starr retained the option of taking a ruffing finesse in diamonds or of playing for a red-suit squeeze against West. This deal helped her and Pamela Granovette­r to victory in the event. DAILY QUESTION: You hold: K6 AK6 QJ52 8 6 3 2. Your partner opens one diamond. The next player passes. What do you say? ANSWER: This problem looks straightfo­rward but would be awkward for some pairs. Most pairs treat a direct jump to three diamonds as preemptive or invitation­al. Many pairs use “inverted” minor-suit raises and could bid two diamonds, forcing. I don’t advocate that treatment, but certainly any partnershi­p needs some forcing raise in a minor. West dealer Both sides vulnerable


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