Cape Times

Just not cricket

- David Kapp Cape Town

NORis it ballet according to one out yonder Europe-way where they know things (can you feel it it is here)

Football is not ballet a manly declaratio­n after a man-rugged tackle in the beautiful game (it was in a friendly)

Football is not ballet what stopped our man from saying it’s not for sissies and the like

(like war is not either keep out of the kitchen)

Football is not ballet so go and pirouette someplace else after all boys wear blue

Football is not ballet never you mind the hugging and kissing after a foul is won (in a manner of speaking)

(with galacticos present spitting and cussing and behaving mannish)

Football is not ballet though players have been known to do yoga

(not too openly though reputation­s are at stake lucrative sponsorshi­ps too)

Football is not ballet It’s not cricket either

“Football is not ballet and fouls are part of the match, says Mihajlovic”, and “Survivor tells of Hiroshima, watch in rubble” (Cape Times, August 6, 2015).

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