Cape Times

Louie’s friendly lead


UNLUCKY Louie is the only player I know who can get a “favorable” opening lead that is his undoing.

Louie played at today’s six spades. A heart lead was normal; North- South had bid the other suits. But West led a trump. Louie drew trumps and next led the A-K and a third club. If his ten set up, he could pitch a heart from dummy and ruff his low heart for the 12th trick. But West won the third club, East showed out and Louie lost a heart.


Say West’s opening lead is a heart: queen, king, ace. Louie has no time to try for a club trick and must attack the diamonds. He takes dummy’s ace and leads the jack, intending to discard his last heart if East plays low.

When East covers, Louie ruffs, draws trumps and leads the nine of diamonds with the same intention. If West could win, Louie would pitch two clubs on the 8-7 of diamonds.

In fact, Louie should rely on the diamonds no matter what. If West held the K-Q, his opening lead might have been the king of diamonds.


You hold: Q 10 8 Q3 AJ987 A9 5. You open one diamond, your partner responds one heart, you bid 1NT and he raises to 2NT. What do you say?


You have only 13 points in high cards – close to a minimum – but your hand is worth substantia­lly more. You have a five-card suit, and your intermedia­te spot cards are magnificen­t. Tens and nines that add “body” to your hand are especially useful for play at notrump, Bid 3NT.

South dealer Both sides vulnerable

Opening lead –


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