Cape Times

Pressure to complete N2 housing

Van Minnen welcomed Sisulu’s call on the HDA

- Sandiso Phaliso

HUMAN Settlement­s Minister Lindiwe Sisulu has instructed the Housing Developmen­t Agency (HDA) to complete the remaining phases of the N2 Gateway Housing Project by 2019 or sooner.

Sisulu launched the N2 Gateway Project in 2004 to test the then new Human Settlement­s policy Breaking New Ground.

The project was meant to deliver 20 000 housing units by 2014 to clear the city’s informal settlement­s along the N2.

“We are happy that the project has delivered 14 000 housing units. I want the remaining 6 000 units to be completed before 2019.

“If it was up to me, it must be completed by 2016, but l am very proud of work done. More than 40 000 people have benefited and have decent shelter over their heads,” she said yesterday.

Sisulu also called for the HDA to further ensure that the roll-out of the project involved young people as part of the National Youth Brigade programme.

“Whenever we implement Human Settlement­s projects, we must ensure that we train and involve youth and military veterans.”

Mayoral committee member for human settlement­s Benedicta van Minnen welcomed Sisulu’s call on the HDA, but said it should have come earlier.

“I welcome the commitment to finally complete the project, which has been delayed for years.

“It was supposed to have been completed by 2014, but work has been delayed. The call is long overdue.

“The pressure she is putting on the HDA is welcome,” said Van Minnen.

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