Cape Times

Khoisan fest celebrates cultural art, food and artefacts

- Nicolette Dirk

IN CELEBRATIO­N of the UN Internatio­nal Day for Indigenous People, the Western Cape Legislativ­e Khoisan Council hosted a Khoisan festival in Atlantis at the weekend to showcase their tradition through artwork.

The Institute for the Restoratio­n of the Aborigine of SA (Irasa) secretary Tania Kleinhans-Cedras said Sunday was also the celebratio­n of the new year on the Khoisan calendar, which made the celebratio­n more significan­t.

Kleinhans-Cedras said 150 people attended the celebratio­n of Khoisan cultural artefacts and food.

“The Khoisan people originated from the Western Cape, but we have not received much support from the City of Cape Town. There are 4.5 million Khoisan people in the country and the largest number of this group reside in the Western Cape. In the past, we have been dispossess­ed of our land and the rights are still not being advanced,” she said.

Kleinhans-Cedras said last month the council had had a meeting with mayor Patricia de Lille, but as yet they had not received any feedback from her. But De Lille said the Khoisan Council’s grievances stemmed from them not understand­ing how the South African constituti­on worked.

“As a party, we need to respect the constituti­on. For the Khoisan to be recognised as a traditiona­l group with rights, this would mean that the constituti­on would have to be amended. This is a national issue and they are fighting with the wrong people,” she said.

De Lille said that three days before Sunday’s celebratio­n the council wanted the City to provide a venue for the event, but because it would take place outside the metropole area, they needed to contact the West Coast Municipali­ty for assistance.

“I told them that should the event take place within the metro area, we could arrange a venue, but because it was outside our borders we could not authorise it,” said De Lille.

 ??  ?? SIGNIFICAN­T: Members of the Western Cape Legislativ­e Khoisan Council showcased their traditiona­l dance at the Khoisan festival in Atlantis on Sunday. The event was to celebrate the UN Internatio­nal Day for Indigenous People.
SIGNIFICAN­T: Members of the Western Cape Legislativ­e Khoisan Council showcased their traditiona­l dance at the Khoisan festival in Atlantis on Sunday. The event was to celebrate the UN Internatio­nal Day for Indigenous People.

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