Cape Times

People with faulty genetic switch are turned off to pain, study shows


LONDON: A genetic cause of a rare inherited condition that leaves people with an inability to feel physical pain has been discovered by scientists.

About one in a million people is thought to be born without a sense of pain, which results in severe self-inflicted injuries from an early age and can lead to premature death.

Scientists studying congenital insensitiv­ity to pain (CIP) in 11 affected families in Europe and Asia have identified mutations in a gene called PRDM12 which was involved in activat- ing genetic switches.

The researcher­s found that mutations in both copies of the gene that a person inherits from their mother and father – who are unaffected carriers of the defective gene – results in all the pain sensors of the body being turned off.

“The ability to sense pain is essential to our self-preservati­on, yet we understand far more about excessive pain than we do about lack of pain perception,” said Professor Geoffrey Woods from the Cambridge Institute for Medical Research at Cambridge University.

“Both are equally important to the developmen­t of new pain treatments. If we know the mechanisms that underlie pain sensation, we can potentiall­y control and reduce unnecessar­y pain.”

CIP is such a rare condition that only about 20 cases have been reported in the scientific literature. Many of these are the result of mutations in other genes, including one called SCN9A, which is involved in the transmissi­on of electrical signals in the nerves.

The PRDM12 gene, however, plays a key role in modifying a protein called chromatin, which becomes attached to the DNA of the chromosome­s and acts as a control switch to activate or deactivate other genes on the chromosome.

Researcher­s showed in a study published in the journal Nature Genetics that all the different PRDM12 mutations that they found in the 11 unrelated families resulted in the complete blocking of the gene.

As chromatin plays a partic- ularly significan­t role in the formation of nerve cells, the findings could explain why pain-sensing neurons do not form properly in patients suffering from CIP, they said.

Babies born with CIP often damage themselves unintentio­nally by chewing their tongues, cheeks or hands.

In later life, sufferers have to take precaution­s against bruising and being burned – although sufferers can often distinguis­h between warm and cold, they do not feel the painful stimulus of heat.

By understand­ing the causes of the lack of sensitivit­y to pain in such patients, scientists hope to better understand the nature of pain and how to combat it.

“We are hopeful that this new gene could be an excellent candidate for drug developmen­t,” said Dr Ya-Chun Chen from Cambridge University, the first author of the study.

“This could potentiall­y benefit those who are at danger from lack of pain perception and help in the developmen­t of new treatments for pain relief.”

Teenager Ashlyn Blocker, who lives with her parents in the US town of Patterson, Georgia, is one of a small number of people in the world who have been diagnosed with congenital insensitiv­ity to pain.

“Everyone in my class asks me about it, and I say, ‘I can feel pressure, but I can’t feel pain’,” Ashlyn explained.

She cannot feel hot objects, or cuts and scratches on her skin, or insect bites. She can, and has, put her hand in boiling water without feeling any painful sensation – which has led to a lifetime of anxiety for her parents, Tara and John.

“John and I had never heard of this condition. It was mindboggli­ng. It was so frightenin­g,” Blocker told The New York Times in 2012 after Ashlyn had undergone genetic tests to determine the cause of her condition.

The tests revealed that Ashlyn had inherited two defective copies of the SCN9A gene, which is known to be involved in the transmissi­on of nerve impulses in pain-sensing neurons. – The Independen­t

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