Cape Times

The mockery of St Keith


Who would have thought an opinion on Climate Change in Business Report would solicit reactions so diverse? An opinion with which we ought to engage, and point out the obverse.

Thus, for some, that man Bryer doth inspire a call to Green bash, and trash the environmen­talist movement some find so perverse.

But for others, that man Bryer is but a liar who denies the world is on fire (or on track to overheat) and pokes malicious fun at prediction­s of a future so dire.

Let me now declare how I tire of ranting and raving disconnect­ed and unscientif­ic; Vitriol so prolific that uses insult instead of argument, substitute­s facts with sentiment and spouts opinions instead of a rudiment of understand­ing.

Yes, cherry pick a finding to trash an entire body of knowledge. Cast doubt where doubt is not there. Humiliate by invoking the illusory shirt made of hair and consign all who worry for our future to the depths of despair.

But there is a problem with this antiscient­ific lunacy Climate change is no imaginary figment or flight of fancy. Melting polar ice is an uncontesta­ble impact, supported by fact upon fact. How very inconvenie­nt, Keith!

The heat from St Keith’s mockery might inflate some egos, or encourage more insults and rotten tomatoes. But the serious harm is that it prevents insights from forming will add to global warming and bequeaths our children and grandchild­ren a life of strife and needless storming.

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