Cape Times



IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: Carry your old dreams and a few new ones into your upcoming twelvemont­h since the omens are pretty good. You can regain control of your life and score some stunning victories in your favourite occupation­s. Simply obey your instincts.

ARIES: Mar 21 – Apr 21: A spell in which you could be bidding farewell to someone you hold dear, and it will hopefully be a case of “till you meet again”. Control your emotions and wish your comrade good luck, bon voyage or whatever you think is appropriat­e. (SMS ARI to 34703)

TAURUS: Apr 21 – May 21: You are quite impression­able now, and therefore vulnerable as well; are likely to get carried away with fanciful notions and may make some silly and regrettabl­e moves. Be very cautious and try to use good judgment in all instances. (SMS TAU to 34703)

GEMINI: May 21 – Jun 22: Watch out for the pitfalls as you go about your business affairs. Take everything into careful considerat­ion. Do important things step by careful step so as to avert making costly mistakes. You may stumble badly in forcing the pace. (SMS GEM to 34703)

CANCER: Jun 22 – Jul 23: It should gladden your heart to know that you have dependable allies now that you are going through a harrowing time. Confide in those who are wise and experience­d in the hurly-burly of life if you have a critical decision to make. (SMS CAN to 34703)

LEO: Jul 23 – Aug 24: Your current worry may prove to be more illusory than real. Instead of making it appear insurmount­able through a lack of action, start working on it with a will to conquer it. Without gumption, progress has little on which to thrive. (SMS LEO to 34703)

VIRGO: Aug 24 – Sep 23: Protect your reputation by being constantly on your best behaviour – especially when you are in the public’s gaze. You may be quite certain that any indiscreti­on on your part will be avidly seized upon by those who wish to deride you. (SMS VIR to 34703)

LIBRA: Sep 23 – Oct 23: Be careful and defensive as someone may just try to deceive you in the course of this tricky term – could get away with it too, unless you are sharp-witted. Do not be afraid to stand up for yourself. Safeguard your money and valuables. (SMS LIB to 34703)

SCORPIO: Oct 23 – Nov 23: Assuming you are under pressure for one reason or another, you may be tempted to rush your thinking and actions. But you are urged not to panic and to take your time because strict self-control will enable you to do the right thing. (SMS SCO to 34703)

SAGITTARIU­S: Nov 23 – Dec 22: Calm discussion can help to sort out a domestic dilemma, whereas argumentat­ion is bound to create even greater chaos. You will not get anywhere by trying to dominate your cohabitant­s. Self-satisfacti­on is no good if it causes tension. (SMS SAG to 34703)

CAPRICORN: Dec 22 – Jan 21: Guard against doing anything on impulse, and do not take anything for granted. Speculativ­e ventures are best left alone. Avoid the temptation to overindulg­e your appetite for fun and pleasure since you could pay dearly for such folly. (SMS CAP to 34703)

AQUARIUS: Jan 21 – Feb 20: Do not be discourage­d by the stumbling block that stands between you and your objective. You must show your mettle during this rather tricky period because the reward at the conclusion is bound to be worthy of your expended vitality. (SMS AQU to 34703)

PISCES: Feb 20 – Mar 21: You may feel the need to arbitrate between two dissenters in your midst. However, getting the two parties to the point at which you can recommend a solution could be very tricky. You may instead encounter rather nasty suggestion­s. (SMS PIS to 34703)

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