Cape Times

Misguided remarks


COUNCILLOR Yagyah Adams’s recent diatribe against atheists understand­ably provoked an indignant response from a number of your readers, who generally made well the point that there is a significan­t proportion of the population who are capable of maintainin­g a humane ethical lifestyle without the need for an exogenous faith-based entity to terrify them into doing so.

I was confused by the councillor’s appeal to the “Abrahamic faith” by which I understood him to mean that there is some sort of consolidat­ed ethical view shared by the world’s Christians, Jews and Muslims. While these religions may share a common root in Abraham, their subsequent growth has been anything but harmonious. Judaism boasts five different branches: Conservati­ve, Hasid, Kabbalah, Orthodox and Reform. Islam also comprises five different branches: Sunni, Shia, Wahhabi, Suffi and Ba’hai, which between them have split into more than 70 different sects.

Followers of Jesus Christ are described variously as Roman Catholics, Anglicans, Lutherans, Methodists, Presbyteri­ans, Baptists, Pentecosta­ls, Charismati­cs, Seventh-Day Adventists, Quakers, Mormons, Eastern Orthodox and so on. And between them all are a host of different views on ethical matters such as marriage.

Prior to the advent of communism, Russian Jews were persecuted unless they agreed to convert to Orthodox Christiani­ty. What would Abraham have to say about that? Most of Councillor Adams’s remarks are misguided, while his closing comment about those suffering with leprosy are downright offensive. Stephen Pain


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