Cape Times



IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY Anticipate progress where your business and career interests are concerned. A special holiday will do you a world of good, so, make the necessary arrangemen­ts forthwith. Domestic life is soothing, leaving you time for private activities. ARIES: Mar 21 – Apr 21 Now is the time to put fears and worries aside; for planning along new lines and for making overdue changes. You will be very much happier after you swing into action. You can get ahead by shaping and controllin­g your circumstan­ces. (SMS ARI to 34703)

TAURUS: Apr 21 – May 21 Informatio­n coming to hand will help you advance your long-term plan. You can accomplish it somewhat ahead of schedule if you now focus sufficient time and attention on it. A broad outlook could bring many new opportunit­ies to light. (SMS TAU to 34703)

GEMINI: May 21 – Jun 22 Splendid gains should accrue from your activity in the business sphere, if you are sufficient­ly opportunis­tic. You will notice that this period brings vital career and commercial affairs to the forefront. You must react pretty smartly. (SMS GEM to 34703)

CANCER: Jun 22 – Jul 23 Friendship is highlighte­d, especially new relationsh­ips, so, get out and about more often. You are very likely to fall in step with a charming stranger – and a worthy associatio­n and some lovely times could emanate from that experience. (SMS CAN to 34703)

LEO: Jul 23 – Aug 24 Confidence and courage, arising from your strong inner conviction­s, now make you quite competitiv­e and formidable. You can especially realise your dearest external aims. Seize an opportunit­y to make your mark in a significan­t manner. (SMS LEO to 34703)

VIRGO: Aug 24 – Sep 23 You have enough determinat­ion to make something important of yourself; could successful­ly assume the lead in a public-oriented activity. Pride and ambition will take creative you skills.far, especially(SMS VIR if to you 34703)also exercise your

LIBRA: Sep 23 – Oct 23 Since you are now fundamenta­lly businessli­ke and orderly, and because fortune currently favours your fiscal affairs, you should manage to increase your income and save money. You can do superb deals and will spot some real bargains. (SMS LIB to 34703)

SCORPIO: Oct 23 – Nov 23 You should now be getting plenty of news and informatio­n – most of it good and useful. Communicat­ions run smoothly, visits and journeys are happy and fruitful, and new ideas spring swiftly to mind. You will be busy and well rewarded. (SMS SCO to 34703)

SAGITTARIU­S: Nov 23 – Dec 22 Spend as much time as you can in the comfort of your own home because you are bound to be happy in that environmen­t. The company of loved ones will be particular­ly comforting. Books, art and music are also fine companions right now. (SMS SAG to 34703)

CAPRICORN: Dec 22 – Jan 21 You are now temperamen­tally suited to engaging in new ventures; might become interested in art or be ready to enjoy sporting endeavours. You probably have a lucky touch at present, and could benefit through investment or speculatio­n. (SMS CAP to 34703)

AQUARIUS: Jan 21 – Feb 20 You are now feeling quite strong and healthy, which is very good because your working life is becoming more demanding. There are fresh openings to explore, and you must be in good shape to outsmart and to outpace your rivals. (SMS AQU to 34703)

PISCES: Feb 20 – Mar 21 Be helpful so as to attract co-operation. You can now successful­ly set about mending relationsh­ips that have become unsettled or disjointed. You can count upon having pleasant and worthy interchang­es with your favourite companions. (SMS PIS to 34703)

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