Cape Times

Lucky sevens


CY the Cynic says that you can tell how big a man is by the size of the things that upset him. I agree, and will add that you can judge a bridge player by how much he appreciate­s the significan­ce of low cards.

Against 3NT, West judged to lead a heart, his suit, instead of a spade. East took the ace and returned a heart, and South won and needed the next eight tricks. He cashed four diamonds, on which East threw three clubs, and then led a spade to his ten. His K-A of spades scored, but the defence took the rest. Down one.

South could succeed. What vital card did he hold?


South makes 3NT if he notices his seven of spades. He can lead a diamond to dummy’s ten at Trick Three and return the jack of spades, hoping West has the singleton eight or nine.

When East’s queen covers, declarer takes the king, leads a diamond to dummy, returns a spade to his seven and cashes the ten. He goes back to dummy with a diamond to take the ace of spades for his ninth trick.

DAILY QUESTION : You hold: Q 9 6 5 4 A 10 7 6 A J 10 6. Your partner opens one diamond, you respond one spade and he bids two clubs. What do you say?

ANSWER: I know some practition­ers who would bid 2NT, but my experience suggests that it usually wrong to suppress a fit for partner. If your partner’s hand is short in spades, the play may go well at clubs, less well at notrump. Raise to three clubs to invite game. A jump to four or five clubs would be too much.

East dealer Both sides vulnerable


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