Cape Times

Yes, we’re open


WHEN I watched today’s deal in a penny game, Cy the Cynic was West. North-South got to four spades when North underbid (his three spades was invitation­al) and South overbid (he had no extra values).

Cy led the queen of hearts, and East took the ace and led a trump. South drew trumps and led a diamond. East won and returned a heart. South led another diamond, setting up two club discards. Making four.


Cy and East then engaged in a debate: “Lead a club at the second trick, hoping I have the jack,” the Cynic snapped. “We need a club trick before declarer uses the diamonds.”

“You need to keep an open mind,” East said.

“Some open minds should be closed for repairs,” Cy retorted. Who was right? Really, nobody. As the cards lay, East could win out by leading a club at Trick Two, but if South had only two hearts, six minor-suit cards and the jack of clubs, a club shift would be disastrous. Sometimes no “correct” defence exists, only a winning defence.

DAILY QUESTION: You hold: 95 A 9 8 3 2 AK2 K 10 2. Your partner opens one diamond, you bid one heart and he rebids two diamonds. What do you say?

ANSWER: Six diamonds might be a fine contract if partner has exactly the right minimum hand. He might hold A6 4, K 4, Q J 10 7 6 4, A 4. More likely, you should look for your best game, which might be 3NT. Bid three clubs. If partner bids 3NT, pass. If he does anything else, head for game or slam at diamonds.

South dealer Neither side vulnerable


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