Cape Times

Step towards new Ivory Coast constituti­on


ABIDJAN: Ivory Coast President Alassane Ouattara has taken a step towards drawing up a new constituti­on and scrapping a nationalit­y clause which helped drag his West African nation into a decade-long crisis and bedevilled his own initial bids for the presidency.

The presidenti­al office, in a statement, announced the appointmen­t of a 10-member panel, including Justice Minister Sansan Kambile along with legal experts and law professors, to draft a new national charter.

The new constituti­on would go to a public referendum for approval.

Ouattara pledged during his campaign for re-election last year to scrap a nationalit­y clause which helped lead the world’s top cocoa grower and French-speaking West Africa’s largest economy into crisis.

The current charter, ratified in 2000 in the wake of a military coup, states presidenti­al candidates must prove both their parents are natural-born Ivorians.

They must also have never claimed citizenshi­p of another country.

Ivory Coast has long been a magnet for immigrants from neighbouri­ng countries and the clause became a symbol of exclusion, particular­ly of northerner­s whose family ties often cross into neighbouri­ng Burkina Faso, Mali and Guinea.

Ivorian nationalit­y became a burning political issue at the heart of a 2002-3 civil war that divided the country in two for eight years.

Ouattara himself was barred from seeking the presidency over what opponents said were his foreign origins before he finally won election in 2010. However, his victory sparked a second brief civil conflict that killed more than 3000 people. Ouattara will hold consultati­ons with opposition figures, traditiona­l chiefs, religious leaders and members of civil society groups.

“The results of these consultati­ons will be transmitte­d to the experts committee with the aim of proposing to the president of the republic a text to submit to referendum in order to give Ivory Coast a new constituti­on.”

Ouattara is also believed to be seeking to create the new post of vice-president to take over and complete the president’s term if he were incapacita­ted or died in office.

Currently, the speaker of parliament is second in line to the presidency.

But the constituti­on states that new elections must be organised within 90 days, a time frame critics say is unworkable.

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