Cape Times

Japan urged to repent for its wartime past


TOKYO: South Korea yesterday expressed deep regret and China’s state-run news agency called on Tokyo to repent on its wartime past after dozens of Japanese lawmakers visited a shrine for war dead, which Seoul and Beijing see as a symbol of Tokyo’s aggressive wartime militarism, on the anniversar­y of Japan’s World War II defeat.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe sent a ritual offering but did not go to the Yasukuni Shrine.

Visits to the shrine outrage Beijing and Seoul because it honours 14 Japanese leaders convicted by an Allied tribunal as war criminals, along with war dead.

Ties between China and Japan, Asia’s two largest economies, have been strained in recent days after a growing number of government ships sailed near disputed East China Sea islets.

Territory disputes and historical issues also periodical­ly chill relations between Japan and South Korea.

“We express deep concern and regret that responsibl­e political leaders are again paying tribute to the Yasukuni Shrine that glorifies the history of the war of aggression,” said South Korea’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

China’s Xinhua news agency urged Japan to repent its wartime past or risk steering the country down a dangerous path.

“It’s in the interests of both Japan and its neighbouri­ng countries for the former military power to truly reflect upon its past wrongs,” Xinhua said in a commentary.

Abe has not visited the shrine in person since December 2013, sending ritual offerings instead.

“He told me to come and my visit was out of respect to those who gave their lives for the country,” said Yasutoshi Nishimura, an aide in Abe’s Liberal Democratic Party, who gave the offering in Abe’s name as party president rather than the patty’s premier.

New Defence Minister Tomomi Inada, who has been accused by China of recklessly misreprese­nting history after she declined to say whether Japanese troops massacred civilians in China during World War II, was visiting troops in Djibouti and unable able to go to the shrine as she has in the past.

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