Cape Times

Taliban goes on the offensive


KABUL: Taliban insurgents, seeking to force the Nato-led coalition out of Afghanista­n and bring in Islamic law, captured a key district in the northern province of Baghlan away after days of fighting, officials said yesterday.

Fighting has escalated in Afghanista­n as the Taliban insurgency spreads from its traditiona­l stronghold­s in the south and east of the country to once peaceful regions in the north.

Despite air support from US and Afghan warplanes, government troops are struggling against the resilient Taliban, with senior government officials saying the insurgents are becoming better trained and equipped.

Amir Gul Hussainkhi­l, deputy police chief of Baghlan, said Dahane-Ghori district was under siege for days and the Taliban managed to seize during the weekend as dozens of Afghan forces made “a tactical retreat”.

The district is next to the provincial capital of Pol-e-Khomri, which has been threatened by insurgents for months.

“Afghan forces fought for days but no help arrived and they had to retreat and the Taliban forces moved in and captured the district,” said Hussain.

Hussain said five Afghan police were killed in the ferocious fighting that ensued.

Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said the fighters captured the district and hoisted their white flag.

“Many Afghan and militia forces have been killed and 33 soldiers are captured,” Mujahid said.

Baghlan borders Kunduz province, where the Taliban briefly captured a provincial capital last year for the first time since they were ousted by a US-led operation in 2001.

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