Cape Times




1 & 21Ac. Automated process used by the clergy in giving a service? (4-10) 8. It stands out as the cinema employee’s occupation (10) 9. Practises eviction, as it happens (5,3) 10. Register a part, we hear (4) 12. With a poet I get tranquilli­ser (6) 14. Engagement-rings! (6) 15. The present editor is talented (6) 17. A news arrangemen­t gets the right response (6) 18. Counterfoi­l found in the ash-tray (4) 19. Being uneasy, spend more time working (8) 21. See 1 Across 22. Spinners work in back-street (4)


2. How the coach traveller could be held up (2,3-5) 3. Part of the bridge for southern vessel (4) 4. The doctor got up dispirited (6) 5. She is always out of breath (6) 6. As far as athletes are concerned, they’re just beginners (8) 7. Add nothing to a particular dye (4) 11. The chief craft needed for initiative (10) 13. Toby and I put right when this repels disease (8) 16. Show the way that’s straight (6) 17. Sounds like a yachting trip to launch an attack (6) 18. Removes the vitality from more than one simpleton (4) 20. The time of self-denial is advanced (4)


1. Fair (4) 8. Unsurpassa­ble (10) 9. Story-teller (8) 10. Dagger (4) 12. Precious metal (6) 14. Empower (6) 15. Communicat­ion (6) 17. Drawing (6) 18. Boast (4) 19. Protector (8) 21. Amendment (10) 22. Pitcher (4)


2. Strange (10) 3. Row (4) 4. Acrimoniou­s (6) 5. Savage (6) 6. Ironmonger­y (8) 7. Mild (4) 11. Unwillingn­ess (10) 13. Sour (8) 16. Bequest (6) 17. Still (6) 18. Rear (4) 20. Sandhill (4)

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