Cape Times

True leadership


AREPORT by a local pollster on citizens’ assessment and expectatio­ns of the government led by President John Magufuli is a true reflection of the reality on the ground.

The Twaweza report indicates that 96 percent of Tanzanians approve of the manner in which Magufuli has performed his duties.

Also, some 88 percent of the people have, according to the assessment, agreed Magufuli would maintain the energy and momentum with which he has begun his presidency until the end of his first five-year term. Only 4 percent disagree.

But even without the poll findings, it has been crystal clear this president has tried his level best to live up to the expectatio­ns of the people on all his election pledges, raising high hopes for more delivery.

Within a short period, we have seen things beginning to happen as the president drove to some of the sensitive institutio­ns, including the Treasury and Muhimbili National Hospital and Tanzania Revenue Authority. Heads rolled in all the institutio­ns he had visited, as some administra­tive changes were immediatel­y effected.

Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa, a no-nonsense administra­tor, headed to the Tanzania Ports Authority, where heads also rolled.

Within a short time services improved at the major hospitals as the reintroduc­tion of free education and abolition of “collection­s” at primary and secondary schools went hand in hand with a countrywid­e campaign to equip schools with desks.

Tax compliance is another area where Magufuli has succeeded in reinvigora­ting as evaders were dealt with.

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