Cape Times

Rememberin­g the real Verwoerd

- Tim Crowe

IN HIS piece “Rememberin­g Verwoerd” at http://www.politicswe­b. and in previous book-length publicatio­ns, The Afrikaners: Biography of a People, and The Last Afrikaner Leaders: A Supreme Test of Power, eminent Afrikaner historian Prof Hermann Giliomee presents a highly personalis­ed, arguably apologist perspectiv­e on Prime Minister/ Dr Hendrik Frensch Verwoerd. In the end, he concludes that Verwoerd may be an historical “scapegoat”. His arguments are not persuasive.

I guess the primary effect Verwoerd had on Giliomee and many of his adversarie­s (for example, prime ministers John Diefenbake­r and Harold Macmillan, historian CW de Kiewiet, editor Allister Sparks, diplomat Dag Hammarskjö­ld and politician Frederik van Zyl Slabbert) is mesmerisin­g.

They agree with Giliomee, regarding Verwoerd as a political “genius” committed unswerving­ly to the developmen­t sensu lato of the Afrikaner volk (especially the poor), mediated through “hard-wired”, “white”-dominated apartheid and Separate Developmen­t.

To that end, Verwoerd’s ideologica­l perspectiv­e on apartheid was much more strongly influenced by policies encountere­d in 1920s USA than those in Germany. Indeed, many of his German mentors suffered under Nazism. Neverthele­ss, he encouraged pro-Nazi and anti-Semitic journalism, and opposed war on Nazi Germany while he was editor of Die Transvaler. He never argued for inherent biological “white” superiorit­y over “blacks”.

Moving into politics in 1948, he became minister of Native Affairs under DF Malan and JG Strijdom, and initiated the transforma­tion of native (“Black”) reserves into autonomous states (Bantustans).

Now, as to why Verwoerd is not a “scapegoat”. Verwoerd engineered Strijdom’s election – over the “moderate” NC Havenga – to succeed DF Malan. Strijdom was an aggressive, but not innovative, white supremacis­t whose political strategy was essentiall­y “baasskap”.

His major political “achievemen­ts” were an unscrupulo­us pursuit of removing “coloured” voters from the common voters roll (opposed by Malan/Havenga) and initiating the failed/protracted Treason Trial of 156 activists.

Strijdom died and was replaced by Verwoerd after a closely contested battle against TE Dönges.

Building on his previous “achievemen­ts”, Verwoerd immediatel­y, dramatical­ly and relentless­ly transforme­d apartheid, “perfecting” it into “Separate Developmen­t” to deal with “blacks swarming everywhere, uncounted and uncontroll­ed”. In the end, he laid the groundwork for and was the prime mover in drafting and implementi­ng more than 300 oppressive/emasculati­ng acts of legislatio­n including:

The Population Registrati­on Act (1950), which required South Africans to be classified according to “racial” characteri­stics.

The Group Areas Act (195057), which confined resident racial groups to different housing and business sections – urban apartheid.

The "black" (Natives) Laws Amendment Act (1952), which stipulated that all "blacks" older than 16 were required to carry passes and could not stay in an urban area more than 72 hours.

The Reservatio­n of Separate Amenities Act (1953), which legalised the racial segregatio­n of public premises, vehicles and services.

The Bantu Education Act (1953), which suppressed missionary/church school education for "blacks" and developed state-funded, deliberate­ly deficient education.

The Promotion of Black Self-Government ("Homelands") Act (1958) marketed as "decolonisa­tion".

The Bantu Investment Corporatio­n Act (1959) to finance homelands.

The Extension of University Education Act (1959), which created separate universiti­es for "blacks", "coloureds" and Indians, and excluding them from "white" universiti­es.

The Physical Planning and Utilisatio­n of Resources Act (1967) to promote homeland industrial developmen­t.

The displaceme­nt of some 80 000 Africans from Sophiatown, Martindale and Newclare to the newly establishe­d townships of south-western Johannesbu­rg (Soweto); and with strong support from his justice minister (BJ Vorster), declaratio­ns of a state of emergency to repress demonstrat­ions, censorship of the press, and the banning and imprisonme­nt of anti-apartheid individual­s and parties.

In this transforma­tion, Verwoerd was strongly influenced by his ideologica­l partner (perhaps even mentor) Prof Werner Eiselen, who had a deep knowledge of African culture and languages, and genuinely believed that Separate Developmen­t could actually succeed. De-emphasisin­g a biological­ly based racist approach, Verwoerd marketed Separate Developmen­t as a cultural/ ethnically significan­t step towards co-operative developmen­t of a “commonweal­th” of “self-governing” southern African states founded on a “policy of good neighbourl­iness”. But Separate Developmen­t was always a cunning ploy to promote, if not enshrine, “white” domination. Eiselen eventually realised this and quietly parted ways with Verwoerd.

Given what’s happening literally today on South African university campuses, Verwoerd and his henchmen behaved particular­ly shamefully when they marketed Bantu Education as a means of: salvaging inadequate missionary/church schools, “rescuing black” children from illiteracy and gangsteris­m, and preserving “African heritage”. Bantu Education, especially in “white areas”, was effectivel­y limited – financiall­y, in curriculum content, years of education and teacher competence – to prevent “black” developmen­t beyond vassal status. This situation worsened over time.

In 1961, Verwoerd manipulate­d voting laws/rights to engineer South Africa’s departure from the anti-apartheid British Commonweal­th and to entice support from English-speaking “whites” for apartheid policies.

There were key points during 1960-61 which the Verwoerd regime could have exploited to ameliorate the impact of apartheid:

The aftermath of the Sharpevill­e Massacre when the economy collapsed and many "whites" feared violent revolution.

When Nelson Mandela sent him two letters offering to create a Codesa-like gathering.

Harold Macmillan’s “Winds of Change” speech.

UN secretary-general Dag Hammarskjo­ld’s fact-finding visit.

The aftermath of Verwoerd’s first assassinat­ion attempt when acting Prime Minister Paul Sauer (supported by ministers Donges and Ben Schoem and by the nationalis­t newspaper Die Burger), expressed the need for fundamenta­l reform.

Yet, Verwoerd chose to “tough it out”. Mandela’s letters were ignored. He rebuffed Macmillan with his “we have nowhere to go” reply. Hammarskjo­ld was sent packing. Sauer was forced into the political wilderness. Liberal historian CW de Kiewieit described this as “destroying those with whom it could deal and breeding a generation of exiles with whom it will not be able to deal”.

During the 1960s, Verwoerd also exploited “swart gevaar” generated by turmoil in Africa to the north from “forces of evil reign(ing) chaos and genocide in a total onslaught”, and the benefits of local massive economic growth (including employment of young “blacks”), internatio­nal investment and military capacity. By the time of his assassinat­ion, his power was unassailab­le.

The 1966 South African general election resulted in another comprehens­ive NP victory (105 vs 49 opposition seats), with Helen Suzman barely retaining her seat. He had no reason to divert politicall­y.

My own view of Verwoerd is decisively negative. His toxic implementa­tion of Eiselen’s “philosophy” during his time in power, especially his years as prime minister, caused the cultural, educationa­l, psychologi­cal, political and socio-economic emasculati­on of “non-whites”, especially black Africans. This precipitat­ed the transforma­tion of the ANC from a non-violent organisati­on into a revolution­ary “army”. His bumbling and brutal successors followed a tragic political trajectory that further isolated/embittered the ANC/PAC and engendered the developmen­t of the Black Consciousn­ess Movement.

In his various analyses, Giliomee describes Verwoerd as an honest, brilliant, principled, deeply religious family man, and explains his policies and actions within a historical context and based on poor projected demographi­cs for “blacks”. In his post-mortem analysis of Verwoerd, Die Beeld editor Schalk Pienaar summed up Verwoerd perfectly:

“Man and policy, creator and creation had grown so much together in the crisis of our time that the one cannot be easily seen as separate from the other.”

Without Verwoerd’s repeated and resolute pivotal political interventi­on, apartheid may not have morphed into a “coherent ideology that followers could believe in with utter conviction”, and could have fallen three decades earlier.

Crowe served as an academic in the Biological Sciences Department of UCT for 40 years, retiring in 2013. He is a lifetime fellow at the university.

 ?? Picture: University of Cape Town Libraries Contributo­r ?? ‘NOT A SCAPEGOAT’: Hendrik Verwoerd, then prime minister of South Africa, outlines plans for coloured people to the former Council for Coloured Affairs in 1961. Verwoerd dramatical­ly and relentless­ly transforme­d apartheid, perfecting it into “Separate...
Picture: University of Cape Town Libraries Contributo­r ‘NOT A SCAPEGOAT’: Hendrik Verwoerd, then prime minister of South Africa, outlines plans for coloured people to the former Council for Coloured Affairs in 1961. Verwoerd dramatical­ly and relentless­ly transforme­d apartheid, perfecting it into “Separate...

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