Cape Times

It’s time for another regime change


IN the apartheid era we were struggling to get free quality education for all, not only stopping education through forced Afrikaans.

We wanted to be educated in English and have quality education, not the Bantu Education which prepared to make Africans slaves in their country.

We were also saying that the regime of apartheid must change and we are calling for the ANC neo-liberal regime to change.

This neo-liberal regime that comes with high education fees in secondary and tertiary institutio­ns must be changed, so that we can introduce the alternativ­e regime that cares about the people first before profits.

We are noting a government that is self-centred and making MPs, MPLs, councillor­s, the executive and the capitalist­s richer while the majority are getting poorer.

This is the government of the few rich capitalist­s and must be changed at whatever cost.

This simply means that this government has no interest in the people but the capitalist­s and tenderpren­eurs.

The government that does not care about its citizens must be changed and we cannot wait for another five years or more while the very few individual­s are making themselves rich while we do not have money for education.

The priorities of this regime are misplaced and we must change this regime of idiots instantly.

The tertiary and basic education students must unite with the communitie­s and demand free quality education now.

We cannot allow the poor majority of citizens to be treated inhumanly, instead we must fight back against all injustice in our country.

We cannot be silenced by the stupid utterances of the Minister of Education, the Minister of Intelligen­ce and President Jacob Zuma.

FeesMustFa­ll, Neo-liberalReg­imeMustFal­l, Forward to Free Quality Education For All, Forward to Socialism, Forward Mhlobo Gunguluzi. Right2Know activist Guguletu

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