Cape Times

Movember to help men focus on their health

- Raphael Wolf

GALLOWS Hill Traffic Department in Green Point was all abuzz yesterday as traffic officers and firefighte­rs gathered to shave their faces to embark on a month-long “Movember” challenge to raise funds and awareness of men’s health issues.

About 13 officers and three firefighte­rs had moustache and head shaves yesterday as adherents, who call themselves “Bros”, are required to have a clean shave on November 1, and then grow a moustache throughout the month as a sign of their support for the campaign. Their groomed moustaches then effectivel­y becomes a walking, talking billboard to advertise the 30 days of “Movember”.

Highlighti­ng the campaign’s link with raising funds for and creating awareness around men’s health, Movember’s social media manager Kai Linder said: “It started among friends in Australia who lost a friend to prostate cancer and wanted to raise money and awareness about the plight of men facing all kinds of cancer.

“But we broadened it to include general men’s health and mental wellness.”

All the monies collected in the campaign goes to the Movember Foundaton in the UK, and from there is distribute­d to research grants and charities that fight cancer.

Firefighte­r Timothy Hart from Hout Bay Fire Station and a former testicular cancer sufferer, came for a haircut at Gallows yesterday to show support for Movember.

He said he had just finished an Argus Cycle Tour two years ago when he noticed a weird sensation of sensitive nipples and his one testicle taking on an abnormal shape.

“It took me three days to pluck up the courage to see my doctor, and four days after the consultati­on I went for an operation to remove the tumour,” he added.

Following chemothera­py sessions the cancer cleared up, said Hart, who added that he now goes for regular blood tests and CT Scans.

He said if he could encourage just one person to have regular cancer check-ups he would probably save lives.

Assistant Traffic chief Paul Oliver at Gallows Hill supported the campaign by having a haircut and beard shave.

“It’s a great experience to see men coming together regarding men’s health,” he said.

His colleague Assistant Traffic Chief Jody Pillay, who also had a moustache shave and haircut, said: “It’s a wonderful campaign in support of cancer awareness and geneeral men’s health and well-bein.”

Highlighti­ng men’s health, a press release from the Movember campaign points out that 23 men commit suicide daily, with over 200 men attempting suicide a day in SA. Globally, 510 000 men die from suicide each year – one every minute.

On average five South African men will die from prostate cancer every day, and one in 29 men are at risk of developing­testicular cancer.

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 ?? Pictures: TRACEY ADAMS ?? CLEAN SHAVE: Azaad Khan shaves Inspector Ragenald Moos at the Gallows Hill Traffic department in support of Movember.
Pictures: TRACEY ADAMS CLEAN SHAVE: Azaad Khan shaves Inspector Ragenald Moos at the Gallows Hill Traffic department in support of Movember.
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 ??  ?? GOOD CAUSE: Cancer survivor Timothy Hart being shaved by Jonny “Barber” Joel to raise awareness of men’s health issues.
GOOD CAUSE: Cancer survivor Timothy Hart being shaved by Jonny “Barber” Joel to raise awareness of men’s health issues.

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