Cape Times

City detective held on fraud charges

- African News Agency

MEMBERS of the police’s anti-corruption unit arrested a 32-year-old detective constable stationed at Cape Town Central yesterday morning for allegedly defrauding informers of money due to them.

In a statement, provincial police said that according to informatio­n received, the constable “defrauded informers by submitting claims on their behalf and the money claimed never reached them”.

“A case of fraud was opened and an investigat­ion into the matter revealed that the constable submitted several claims between 2013 and 2015, and the signatures of the recipients were different from the claimants’ signatures on their registrati­on forms.”

On November 9, the Cape Town Magistrate’s Court issued a warrant for the arrest of the police member.

The constable was duly detained and appeared in court yesterday on charges of fraud.

Meanwhile, two people were arrested in Worcester for possession of mandrax tablets and tik valued at more than R100 000, Western Cape police said.

Police spokespers­on Noloyiso Rwexana said police had followed up on informatio­n that they received about drugs being sold at a house in Roman Street in River View, Worcester.

“A search warrant was obtained and a search was conducted at the residence.

“A total of 1 256 mandrax tablets and 405g tik valued at over R100 000 estimated street value were confiscate­d,” Rwexana added.

She said two people were arrested and are expected to appear in the Worcester Magistrate’s Court today on charges or possession of drugs.

‘Constable submitted claims on behalf of informants and did not pay them’

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