Cape Times

Watchdog to sue Trump over income

‘llegal foreign gains’ cited


WASHINGTON POST A LIBERAL watchdog group said yesterday it would file a lawsuit against US President Donald Trump in federal court, alleging that he is violating a little-known constituti­onal provision that bars him from taking gifts or payments from foreign government­s.

The group, Citizens for Responsibi­lity and Ethics in Washington, said that because Trump-owned buildings take in rent, room rentals and other payments from foreign government­s, the president has breached the Foreign Emoluments Clause.

That clause in the constituti­on says: “No person holding any office of profit or trust under (the US), shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state.”

It was written out of fear that the young republic’s leaders or ambassador­s could be bought off by a richer European power.

The meaning of those words has never truly been tested in court.

The watchdog group says they should be interprete­d to mean that Trump’s businesses should cease all business dealings with foreign states.

The clause, the legal complaint says, “is no relic of a bygone era, but rather an expression of insight into the nature of the human condition and the preconditi­ons of self-governance”.

If the lawsuit were to succeed, it could put a major dent in the business of the Trump Organisati­on, whose businesses lease office space to state-owned companies, and whose Pennsylvan­ia Avenue hotel rents its ballrooms for foreign embassy parties.

The mere process of the suit could prove embarrassi­ng for the president if it drags out details of those business dealings from the Trump Organisati­on’s private files.

Norm Eisen, a lawyer working on the case, told the New York Times he hoped the suit could also produce a copy of Trump’s tax returns, which could detail the business he does with foreign states including China and Russia.

Trump’s lawyer, Sheri Dillon, did not immediatel­y respond to an e-mailed request for comment late on Sunday. Neither did Trump’s son, Eric Trump, who is among the leaders of the Trump Organisati­on while his father is president.

Attempts to reach the White House press office on Sunday evening were unsuccessf­ul.

Before Trump took office, Dillon said he would transfer management of his businesses to his sons, Eric and Donald Trump jr, and other executives. The president will, however, not give up his ownership stakes.

Dillon said it is incorrect to say that Trump would violate the clause if his business merely did business with a foreign government – taking its money but giving it something of value in return.

“This is not what the constituti­on says. Paying for a hotel room is not a gift or a present and it has nothing to do with an office. It’s not an emolument,” Dillon said then.

In this particular case, the suit appears likely to face difficult legal hurdles. One would be Dillon’s argument that paying a hotel bill is not a prohibited gift.

Another problem is the question of the watchdog group’s standing to sue. There is a general legal rule that, to file suit against someone for wrongdoing, a plaintiff must have suffered some specific harm from that wrongdoing.

That’s an issue that has hung over all the discussion­s of a Foreign Emoluments Clause lawsuit: If Trump did violate the constituti­on, who would he hurt? In this case, the watchdog group says, it was hurt by having to devote so much time to this issue.

“Crew has been forced to divert essential and limited resources from other important matters that it ordinarily would have been handling to the Foreign Emoluments Claus,” the planned lawsuit complaint says.

 ??  ?? US President Donald Trump PICTURE: EPA
US President Donald Trump PICTURE: EPA

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