Cape Times

Why you should invest in your skin


UNLIKE cosmetic products, cosmeceuti­cals is an important area of dermatolog­y because of the increased knowledge about skin physiology and the many novel raw materials that can alter the structure and function of skin. Cosmeceuti­cals offer immediate and long-term results, have a low side-effect profile, preventive benefits and address a variety of skin concerns, including texture, pigmentati­on and laxity. But the major difference between cosmetic products and cosmeceuti­cals is that in products classed as cosmeceuti­cals, the various product marketing claims must be substantia­ted by clinical testing to determine safety and efficacy in improving the skin’s appearance.

Today, men and women alike aspire to a youthful, healthy appearance and they wish to combat signs of ageing proactivel­y. So, despite the popularity of wrinkle-reducing injections, laser resurfacin­g and so forth, it’s absolutely essential to apply scientific­ally-proven topical creams to complement and prolong the results of rejuvenati­on treatments.

Most cosmeceuti­cals contain important ingredient­s for preserving the skin’s youthful appearance in some or other form: vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, Alpha Hydroxy Acid, peptides, proteins and sun protection. Vitamin A stimulates collagen production, increases cell turnover, repairs damaged skin and helps to contain acne. Vitamin C in various forms is an antioxidan­t which fights free radicals, thus preventing and treating sun-damaged skin. It also stimulates fibroblast­s to increase elastin synthesis and collagen production. Alpha and Poly Hydroxy Acids exfoliate the skin, gently dissolving outer layers of dead skin, allowing better product penetratio­n, resulting in a smooth even-textured skin.

By only using high-quality cosmeceuti­cals on your skin, you’ll reap the benefits for years to come.

 ??  ?? Lasermed spokespers­on
Lasermed spokespers­on

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