Cape Times

Reward for return of Swiss tourist’s belongings

- Staff Writer

A SWISS tourist says he is willing to issue a reward for the return of his belongings which were taken during a robbery in the Bo-Kaap.

Robert Rodriguez Vigouroux was held at knife point, allegedly by three men who made off with his camera, cellphone, wallet, and a bag containing a green diary with the memories of his previous travels.

The 24-year-old tourist said he was walking alone but had been surrounded by other tourists for most of the time until he decided to walk up to the corner of Shortmarke­t and Buitengrac­ht streets.

Rodriguez-Vigouroux was taking pictures of the houses when three men came up from behind him, and greeted him. “I was then threatened with a knife and my belongings were taken from me, including my camera, my cellphone, my wallet, and a bag containing a green diary (with the memories of my previous travelling and a hidden letter from my boyfriend – it’s actually what I am missing the most, as I now know he hid a letter inside).

“They were three men in their 30s. Two of them were African about 160-170cm and the other one a coloured male, about as tall as the two others. The suspect who threatened me with the knife against my throat, was wearing a red shirt,” he said.

Rodriguez-Vigouroux said police arrived about 10 minutes after the incident while the neighbourh­ood watch started a search for the robbers.

He said he would be willing to reward anyone with informatio­n that would result in the return of the green diary and the phone.

“I am still a bit shocked from this experience, but I am determined to keep on travelling. Even if I do not think I was particular­ly reckless (I was wearing neutral clothes, without a watch, wallet and phone not apparent), I think tourists should be advised not to take pictures alone in the area. Even in daylight,” he said.

He said he was thankful to the residents for calling the police and for the police for their response. Police spokespers­on FC van Wyk did not respond before deadline.

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