Cape Times

Cy’s partner problems


CY the Cynic is more than cynical – he’s a fatalist – about how his partners perform.

“A fool and my money are soon partners” is the way Cy puts it.

As today’s West in a money game, Cy led a low heart – the unbid suit – against four spades. East took the ace and returned the ten. Declarer followed with the seven and eight, concealing his five, and Cy won. He pondered – and shifted to a diamond.

Dummy’s king lost to East’s ace, but South ruffed the next diamond, drew trumps and claimed.


Cy’s partner was miffed since he could have ruffed a third heart and cashed his ace, but the result was his fault. East knows from Cy’s lead of the four that South has at least three hearts, and East knows that Cy has the king: Cy wouldn’t lead low from a worthless holding.

So East can see four defensive tricks. But to save Cy from going wrong, East must cash his ace of diamonds at Trick Two, then return a heart. Cy will have no option but to lead a third heart.


You hold: 7 5 3 A 10 A Q 10 3 10 8 7 5. Your partner opens one spade. The next player passes. What do you say?


Despite the weak trump support, this hand is too strong to raise to two spades. It has some tens, a queen of diamonds backed by the ace, and a possible ruffing value in hearts. In “Standard” methods, bid two diamonds, planning to support spades next. If a two-diamond response would force to game, respond 1NT, forcing.

South dealer N-S vulnerable Opening lead – ♥4

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