Cape Times

May told to soften Brexit approach

Urged to seek wider consensus


UK PRIME Minister Theresa May sought to strike a deal with a Northern Irish Protestant party to save her premiershi­p yesterday as she came under intense pressure to soften her approach to Brexit days before formal EU divorce talks.

May’s botched election gamble, which saw her lose her parliament­ary majority, left her so weakened that supporters of closer ties with the EU publicly demanded she take a more consensual and business- friendly approach to Brexit.

In an attempt to avoid a second election that could deepen the worst political turmoil in Britain since last June’s shock vote to leave the EU, May apologised to her Conservati­ve Party MPs, who said they would leave her in power – for now.

“She said: ‘I’m the person who got us into this mess and I’m the one who is going to get us out of it’,” said one Conservati­ve MP who attended Monday’s meeting.

“She said she will serve us as long as we want her.”

To stay in government, May must strike a deal with the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), a small euroscepti­c Northern Irish party with 10 parliament­ary seats.

DUP leader Arlene Foster arrived for talks with May. She waved but did not say anything as she went into Downing Street. She looked at her watch and ignored a question from a reporter who asked: “What is your price?”

“The deal will be done,” said Jon Tonge, professor of politics at Liverpool University. “Basically, it will be Theresa May signing cheques for the foreseeabl­e future or a monthly direct debit, as it were, into Northern Ireland’s coffers.

“The DUP may never have the political arithmetic so favourable again so like the Conservati­ves, the DUP will want to avoid another election and will want to keep drinking in the political free bar that is available to it,” Tonge said.

But a deal with the DUP would risk destabilis­ing the political balance in Northern Ireland by increas- ing the influence of pro-British unionists who have struggled for years with Irish Catholic nationalis­ts who want Northern Ireland to join a united Ireland.

While the DUP are deeply euroscepti­c, they have objected to some of the practical implicatio­ns of a so-call hard Brexit – including a potential loss of a “frictionle­ss border” with the Republic of Ireland – and talks will touch on efforts to minimise the potential damage to Northern Ireland.

With formal EU divorce talks due next week, May was to head to France to meet Emmanuel Macron, who last month swept to victory in the presidenti­al election.

During the campaign, May cast herself as the only leader competent enough to navigate the tortuous Brexit negotiatio­ns that will shape the future of the UK and its $2.5 trillion (R32 trillion) economy.

Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the opposition Labour Party, which saw its number of parliament­ary seats and share of the vote increase, said there could be another election this year or early in 2018 after Thursday’s vote produced no clear winner.

May, who ahead of last June’s referendum supported remaining in the EU, has promised to start the formal Brexit talks next week.

But opponents of a sharp break with the EU took her woes as a chance to push back against her strategy.

Before the election, May proposed a clean break from the EU, involving withdrawal from Europe’s single market, limits on immigratio­n and a bespoke customs deal with the EU.

Brexit Minister David Davis has insisted the approach to the EU divorce had not changed, but at the meeting with MPs on Monday, May recognised that a broader consensus needed to be built for Brexit and made clear she would listen to all wings of the party on the issue.

Scottish Conservati­ve leader Ruth Davidson said the government should put economic growth at the heart of its Brexit strategy, while some senior ministers have pushed for less focus on immigratio­n and more on jobs.

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