Cape Times

Count your tricks!


UNLUCKY Louie was today’s declarer in my club’s penny game. He won West’s trump lead in dummy, led a diamond to his jack and beamed when West took the ace.

West led a second trump, and Louie won and led a club. West won and shifted to a heart, and Louie took his ace, threw dummy’s last heart on the king of diamonds, ruffed a heart, ruffed a club and ruffed a diamond.

Louie then ruffed another club and cashed his last trump for his ninth trick, but he was out of ammunition. Down one.

“Even a winning finesse did me no good,” Louie sighed.


If Louie counted his tricks, he would see that his line couldn’t succeed. Louie must instead go after the clubs. He leads a club at Trick Two.

If West leads a second trump, Louie wins in dummy, ruffs a club, takes the ace of hearts and loses a heart. He ruffs the next heart in dummy and ruffs a club. When the suit breaks 3-3, Louie loses only one more trick to the ace of diamonds.

This week: Count your tricks!

DAILY QUESTION: You hold: ♠ 6 2 ♥K J9 5 4 ♦ A 10 2 ♣A K 10. Your partner opens one spade, you bid two hearts and he raises to three hearts. What do you say?

ANSWER: Your partner suggests a minimum opening hand and may have only three-card heart support (since your two hearts showed five or more). Still, your good controls make your hand worth a try for slam. Cue-bid four clubs. If partner has a suitable hand such as A K9 5 4, A 10 8,3, Q 6 5 4, he will move toward slam.

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