Cape Times



THIS COMING week investor’s attention will be the release of the consumer confidence indices, retail numbers and inflation rates for various developed economies. The US and the UK will also publish their final GDP economic growth rates for Q1 2017. Domestical­ly the Reserve Bank will release the money supply and credit figures. StatsSA will publish the latest producer’s price inflation rate and balance of trade data.


Thursday: StatsSA will publish the producer price inflation rate (PPI) for May 2017.

Friday: The Reserve Bank will release the latest credit extension data by the banks to the public, as well as the M3-Money supply numbers. Absa will announce its Manufactur­ing PMI for June and the Department of Customs and Trade will publish the Balance of Trade figures for May 2017.


Today: Japan: Leading economic index – April. Germany: Business climate index – June.

Tuesday: UK: BoE Financial stability report; US: Home price index – April; US: Consumer confidence index – June.

Wednesday: Germany: Import and export prices – May; EU: M3 money supply – May; France: Consumer confidence index – May; US: Crude oil stock – 23 June; Canada: Budget balance – April.

Thursday: Japan: Retail sales – May; Germany: Consumer confidence index – July; UK: Nationwide housing prices – June; UK: BoE Consumer credit – May; EU: Business and consumer confidence indices – June; Germany: Inflation rate – June; US: GDP economic growth rate: Q1; US: Initial and continuing jobless claims – June/24; US: Corporate profits – Q1; US: Natural gas stocks – June/23.

Friday: UK: Consumer confidence index – June; Japan: Inflation rate – May; Japan: Unemployme­nt rate – May; Japan: Industrial production – May; China: Manufactur­ing PMI – June; Germany: Retail sales – May; France: Inflation rate – June; Germany: Unemployme­nt rate – June; UK: GDP growth rate Q1; US: Personal income and spending – May.

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