Cape Times

Merkel under fire over violence at the G20


BERLIN: Germans expressed anger yesterday over violence that hit a G20 world leaders’ summit in Hamburg, raising awkward questions for Chancellor Angela Merkel less than three months before an election.

About 20000 police struggled to contain several hundred anti-capitalist militants who torched cars, looted shops and hurled Molotov cocktails and stones during the July 7-8 summit. Tens of thousands more people demonstrat­ed peacefully.

Overall, 476 officers suffered injuries ranging from cuts and firework burns to eye damage from laser pointers. Police said yesterday they had arrested 186 people and took 225 into custody.

German newspapers devoted far more space to pictures of police firing water cannon onto hooded anarchists and other protesters than they did to Merkel’s diplomatic balancing act with fellow leaders of major world economies.

“Embarrassm­ent for Germany” was Tagesspieg­el’s descriptio­n.

“The pictures of helpless police who could not secure state order and protection of property are a political catastroph­e,” columnist Gerd Nowakowski wrote in the paper.

Top-selling Bild am Sonntag splashed pictures of masked anarchists and politician­s on its front page with the headline “Criminals and Losers”. Inside, a political scientist described the scenes as an ‘orgy of violence’.

Internatio­nal media have focused more on US President Donald Trump’s first meeting with his Russian counterpar­t Vladimir Putin at the summit, as well as Trump’s diverging views on climate change and trade from those of the other leaders. Neverthele­ss, an Emnid poll showed that a majority of Germans, 59%, believed the riots damaged the image of their country – even though violence has affected a number of internatio­nal meetings around the world over the years.

Merkel was forced to defend her choice of Hamburg, saying other cities, like London, had hosted similar meetings.

Hamburg, a seaport which is Germany’s second biggest city, has a strong radical leftist tradition.

Merkel had wanted to demonstrat­e to G20 partners, including Putin and Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan, her commitment to freedom of speech and rejected the notion that some cities were out of bounds as summit venues.

The strategy has backfired, said some commentato­rs.

“I can barely breathe with anger because Chancellor Merkel and Hamburg mayor (Olaf) Scholz trivialise the brutal riots as ‘not acceptable’,” wrote a commentato­r in Bild am Sonntag.

Behind heavy security, Merkel used her negotiatin­g skills to forge a compromise between a range of views.

She persuaded leaders to agree on trade, energy and Africa while acknowledg­ing difference­s with the US on climate change.

She can also deflect some of the anger which was directed at Scholz, a Social Democrat, for underestim­ating the risks. He has been widely castigated for appearing complacent before the summit, saying Hamburg was used to hosting big events and that many residents would barely notice the gathering.

Scholz defend himself, saying: “We did not underestim­ate the danger. It was not a mistake to hold the summit in Hamburg.” – Reuters

 ?? PICTURE: REUTERS ?? German riot police walk to a fallen protester during the demonstrat­ion at the G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany.
PICTURE: REUTERS German riot police walk to a fallen protester during the demonstrat­ion at the G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany.

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