Cape Times

N Korea will get its nuclear deterrent and we will live with it

- Gwynne Dyer Dyer is an independen­t journalist whose articles are published in 45 countries.

AMERICAN bastards would be not very happy with this gift sent on the July 4 anniversar­y,” said North Korean leader Kim Jong-un about his country’s first successful test of an interconti­nental ballistic missile (ICBM) on Wednesday.

And indeed Americans are not happy about it, although it would be overstatin­g the case to say that panic is sweeping the US at the news that North Korea’s ICBMs can now reach America. One reason for the lack of public panic is that Alaska is not a central concern for most Americans and Alaska is the only part of the US that North Korea’s Hwasong-14 missile can actually reach.

Another reason is that the US authoritie­s insist that North Korea’s nuclear weapons are too big and heavy to fit on its ICBMs. And a third reason might be that Americans are secretly embarrasse­d by the sheer hypocrisy of their own government’s position.

Well, no, not really. The vast majority of Americans are blissfully unaware that there is any hypocrisy involved in demanding that North Korea refrain from getting what the US has had for the past 72 years. US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was being entirely sincere when he said that North Korea’s ICBM test “represents a new escalation of the threat to the US, our allies and partners, the region, and the world.” Wrong, but entirely sincere.

He is obviously aware that the US has had nuclear weapons since 1945 and has even dropped them on Asian cities. He knows that his country has had ICBMs since the 1950s, and still has hundreds ready to launch on short notice. How is the American posture different from the one that North Korea aspires to? Two difference­s, really. One is that the US has at least a hundred times as many nuclear weapons as North Korea, and delivery vehicles at least two technologi­cal generation­s further down the road. Another is that the US has a clearly stated policy that says it might use nuclear weapons first in a conflict. Weirdly, this just makes American ICBMs sound more dangerous.

That’s not really true. The US used its first nuclear weapons as soon as it got them in 1945, but despite all the wars it has waged in the 72 years since then, it has never used them again. Nuclear weapons are so terrifying that they actually force the people who possess them to think seriously about the consequenc­es of using them. Pyongyang has obviously been thinking hard about the grave implicatio­ns of nuclear weapons too. It never actually threatens to use North Korea’s nukes in a first strike.

It’s always about deterring a nuclear attack on North Korea. And though the North Korean regime lies and blusters a lot, you can believe it about this. North Korea will probably have ICBMs that can reach big American cities in three to five years if it keeps up the current pace of developmen­t and testing. That would buy North Korea a limited degree of safety from an American nuclear attack, because one or more of its missiles might survive a US first strike and be able to carry out a “revenge from the grave.”

But even full-range nuclear-tipped ICBMs would not give the North Korean regime the ability to launch a nuclear attack on America (or Japan, or South Korea) without being exterminat­ed in an immediate, massive nuclear counterstr­ike. So you can probably trust the North Korean regime not to do anything so terminally stupid – unless people like Kim are literally crazy.

That’s why American diplomats work so hard to convince everybody else that the North Koreans really are frothing mad and impervious to logic. Only then can they argue that the North Koreans should be denied nuclear weapons, although Americans, Russians, Chinese, British, French, Israelis, Indians and Pakistanis can be trusted with them.

There is no evidence that the North Koreans really are crazy. In the 64 years since the end of the Korean War they have never risked a war and they are extremely unlikely to do so now.

So North Korea will probably get its nuclear deterrent and we will all learn to live with it, like we learnt to live with mutual US-Russian nuclear deterrence, mutual US-Chinese nuclear deterrence, and mutual Indian-Pakistani nuclear deterrence.

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