Cape Times

Sorry, not sorry


BELL Pottinger apologised on Thursday. In truth, the British public relations firm couldn’t have done a worse job. Acknowledg­ed as the progenitor of the loathsome term “white monopoly capital”, which has been used to devastatin­g effect in recent months to polarise South Africa, the hapless PR company tried to both apologise and evade direct culpabilit­y.

The apology was one leg; the dismissal of one of its senior partners and the culling of a handful of associates who worked on the account, another.

As an exercise in reputation management, it was a spectacula­r failure. Indeed, if anything, the apology has only spurred efforts to ensure the firm is brought to book, if not here in South Africa then in Britain, where it is based.

There are many underlying reasons for this, chief among which is the lack of action taken against those fingered in the tsunami of Gupta-leak emails, abetted by the unwillingn­ess of the nominally independen­t National Prosecutin­g Authority to formulate charges against either the Gupta family or those identified as having inappropri­ately or illegally benefited from their associatio­n with them. Bell Pottinger provides a fitting proxy in this miasma of impotence.

But Bell Pottinger should be made to pay for what it thought it could get away with. It callously and opportunis­tically played on South Africa’s inequaliti­es and tortured history to retard, if not scupper altogether, any hope of nation-building in return for the short-term goal of distractin­g people from the real issues of state capture and corruption. We also need to know just what else Bell Pottinger authored, and for whom.

There is no way that Bell Pottinger can escape culpabilit­y for what its employees did in its name. At the very least – if it were truly remorseful – it should repay the fees it charged, to create a reconcilia­tion fund.

But it should be punished – if only to discourage the next bunch of foreign carpetbagg­ers hellbent on exploiting our problems.

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