Cape Times

African journos deserve freedom


SOCIAL media offers journalist­s new ways to engage with their audiences, but also opens up new avenues for harassment, including trolling, threats and sexual harassment, according to a survey of African journalist­s’ use of social media. Initial results, released for World Media Freedom Day, found almost half of African journalist­s had been harassed on social media.

Frayinterm­edia conducted an online survey of African journalist­s’ experience­s of social media; 307 journalist­s responded from 36 countries. The study found journalist­s from almost all countries regularly engaged on social media platforms and 95% did so for profession­al purposes. The overwhelmi­ng majority (89%) were required to be on social media as part of their job. Two thirds those who used social media had both personal and profession­al accounts, but many of these used a corporate account.

Of all respondent­s, 48% had been harassed on social media. More Zimbabwean journalist­s had suffered harassment (67%) than those in other countries, while fewer from the Democratic Republic of Congo had – not surprising given the low rate of internet access. Slightly more men had been harassed on social media. Both sexes were likely to have experience­d trolling, but more women had been sexually harassed and more men threatened.

Country contexts differ, but it seems a significan­t proportion of respondent­s (29%) believed there were political motives behind the harassment. Cameroonia­n journalist­s were often harassed and in 88% of cases felt it was based on the political environmen­t in the country. Nigerian and Mozambican journalist­s also often believed the harassment was political.

We are mindful of the challenges journalist­s face in reporting the news. Social media, which offers new avenues to share informatio­n, also means more ways they can be trolled, threatened and sexually harassed. Social media may not be a place for free engagement with audiences, but serve to silence journalist­s.

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