Cape Times

Annual recycle and clean-up competitio­n

- Iman Omar

Encourage and promote recycling in schools, communitie­s

SCHOOLS around the country are gearing up to compete in the 10th annual recycle and clean-up competitio­n.

The Plastics SA project promotes sustainabl­e use of plastics and does so in vibrant and interactiv­e ways.

Director of sustainabi­lity at Plastics SA Douw Steyn explained the competitio­n runs as an annual part of Clean-up and Recycle Week SA, to encourage and promote recycling in schools, communitie­s, businesses and organisati­ons.

“We have been running this national competitio­n for the past 10 years.

“During this time, we have given away prizes to deserving schools for hosting various clean-up activities and being committed recyclers of their waste,” Steyn said.

Kabega Primary School in Port Elizabeth won last year’s competitio­n.

A Grade 6 Afrikaans teacher at the school and member in charge of recycling said: “I think these competitio­ns and projects are important because it teaches students the benefits of small acts to make a difference.

“We have a platform of 900 learners, who come from 900 homes where they are able to take the skills and knowledge of recycling and cleaning up and implement them in their different environmen­ts, and that’s how you start a culture of making things into a norm.”

It is estimated that more than R1.2 billion has been collected from taxes on plastic bags over the past 13 years.

According to recent research by associates of the Environmen­tal Policy Research Unit at UCT, South Africans use about eight billion plastic bags annually.

To enter this competitio­n, schools and businesses are required to write a short report along with some photograph­s about their efforts in initiating recycling and clean-up activities.

The winning school is gets R5 000, as well as a six-seater picnic table.

Cash prizes are also awarded to the school in second place, R2 000 along with a garden bench, and third place, R1 000 along with a plastic recycling bin.

Entry forms and competitio­n rules can be downloaded from www.cleanupand­recycle.­n.

The closing date for this year’s competitio­n is October 31.

Entries will be judged during the first week of November.

Winners will be announced shortly thereafter.

“We look forward to seeing new schools enter the competitio­n this year and proving their worth as our eco-warriors of the future.

“There is wealth in waste and we want as many schools as possible to benefit from this competitio­n that teaches pupils the importance of looking after their environmen­t, while at the same time benefiting the school and their community,” Steyn said.

 ??  ?? ECO-WARRIORS: Kabega Primary School in Port Elizabeth was last year’s winner.
ECO-WARRIORS: Kabega Primary School in Port Elizabeth was last year’s winner.

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