Cape Times

Condemn all violence

- Rajaa Azzakani Parliament­ary Communicat­ion Services

PARLIAMENT’S Multi-Party Women’s Caucus (MPWC) has noted with grave concern what appears to be an increase in gender-based violence reported in the media.

The MPWC would like to condemn all acts of violence, especially genderbase­d violence and violence against the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgende­r and intersex (LGBTI) community.

Committee chairperso­n, Masefele Story Morutoa, said: “I would like to add my voice to the chorus of South Africans who have condemned genderbase­d violence.

“There is no place in our society for behaviour like this. As a matter of urgency, we must look at how we intensify our response to eradicatin­g such violence.

“It is encouragin­g to note that during this Women’s Month, the media has seemed to highlight the issue of gender-based violence. Although the MPWC supports this, it is imperative that the media reports on genderbase­d violence and violence against the LGBTI community as a matter of course, not only during Women’s Month, but throughout the year.”

Morutoa further stated that genderbase­d violence knows no colour, religion, ethnic group, language or class.

“The MPWC believes strongly that those who make themselves guilty of such acts should not be seen to be protected but must be dealt with in terms of the law, irrespecti­ve of any position they might hold in society.

“Everyone, including those who occupy positions of political office, must be taken to task if they engage in acts of gender-based violence.

“The MPWC would like action to be taken not just to focus on punitive measures or rehabilita­tion, but to get to the root cause of the problem and by conscienti­sing society and creating notions of masculinit­y that do not perpetuate a culture of violence.

“The MPWC would like to commit Parliament to engage in greater oversight measures over government department­s to ensure that genderbase­d violence is rooted out. During this Women’s Month let us all stand together and fight gender-based violence and violence against the LGBTI community in honour of all those who have fallen prey to this societal ill.

Let us stand together and say enough is enough,” said Morutoa.

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