Cape Times

Deputy mayor shown the door


PORT ELIZABETH: Against the backdrop of chaotic scenes, the Nelson Mandela Bay (NMB) council has booted out the United Democratic Movement’s Mongameli Bobani as the city’s deputy mayor.

Tensions were high, and as the matter went to a vote, some councillor­s expressed their rejection of the motion before exiting the chamber.

Sixty votes were in favour of the motion brought by Patriotic Alliance councillor Marlon Daniels to have Bobani ousted from his position. The DA, African Christian Democratic Party and Cope supported the motion.

“The deputy executive mayor’s erratic behaviour has led to instabilit­y in this government and has on a number of occasions unnecessar­ily delayed important council business,” said Daniels.

Disgruntle­d councillor­s from the opposition benches, including the ANC, EFF and African Independen­t Congress, walked out of the council chamber while voting went ahead.

ANC caucus leader Bicks Ndoni said the fundamenta­l issue was that at the time some councillor­s were busy walking out of the chambers, and a “fabricated quorum” was created for the 61-member quorum needed to continue with the meeting.

“It’s a criminal thing that was done and it cannot be left like that. While people are standing and you say the meeting continues, it cannot be like that; it’s a very serious transgress­ion. We are not going to take it lying down, we are going to pursue the matter and seek legal advice,” Ndoni told the media outside.

“It’s not a technicali­ty, it’s a clear matter of a quorum not being there. There was no quorum at the time the decision was taken, we are are very sure of that. They themselves know that they only have 60 councillor­s, so this thing of them saying we are hastily counting is very wrong.”

EFF councillor Zilindile Vena said they rejected the Patriotic Alliance “creeping in the back door”.

Bobani claimed Speaker Jonathan Lawack was meant to adjourn the meeting as soon as the situation became chaotic.

“How can the motion be passed when the other councillor­s were walking out? He was supposed to ensure that the meeting was in order, stop everything and count whether there are enough councillor­s to ensure the quorum can continue,” he said. –ANA

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