Cape Times

My fight against injustice continues

- Brian Isaacs Lansdowne

I WAS suspended from teaching on March 4, 2017, by the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) and fired twice by WCED, on September 9, 2016, and February 9, 2017, respective­ly, for speaking truth to power.

It was as a result of a political witchhunt to prevent teachers in general from airing their views on education in public. WCED has been successful in that no teacher has commented in public on WCED’s policies since.

This is the same in other state department­s.

This is the reason for so much corruption in state department­s and I dare say in private companies.

I must be the only teacher in the world that was fired twice, so keen was the WCED to punish me.

The state and private companies hide behind the so-called broken employer-employee relationsh­ip, which is always in the employer’s favour at internal hearings.

The so-called independen­t Education Labour Relations Council (ELRC) turned down my disputes, saying that it would come to the same conclusion as WCED. What is so independen­t about the ELRC when it denies me having independen­t hearings?

I have had to refer the matter to the Labour Court to overturn the ELRC decision. If I am successful it has to go back to the ELRC. If not, I will have to pursue the matter in court. I will fight against injustice against teachers.

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