Cape Times

Anarchy rules


IN REPLY to the appreciate­d letter by Andrew “Bugsy” Spiegel it is clear from the Oxford English Dictionary of 2010 that “an anarchist is a person who believes that the government should be abolished and that society should be organised on a co-operative basis” and this definition seems to describe an idealist.

The definition of anarchy in the same dictionary stands as: “a state of disorder due to lack of government or control. (my italics)

Chaos is defined in the same dictionary as “complete disorder and confusion” and is derived from the Greek khoas meaning “vast chasm or void” and this original root somehow does not seem to be an appropriat­e one.

It is possible that other dictionari­es may have different definition­s, but it really seems to me that anarchy: (without) and arkhos (ruler) especially with the appropriat­e rider – without control – is a better descriptio­n of the lawless behaviour we are witnessing on a daily basis now. I fully agree with Andrew that if we all respected each other and practise this principle consistent­ly there should be less need for a ruler! The anarchy in South Africa presently certainly does not reflect a large degree of mutual respect!

Last if I may say so, it seems that “Bugsy” is a principled idealist, the kind of person so desperatel­y needed presently in South Africa. Ben Smit Melkbosstr­and

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