Cape Times

Sipokazi Fokazi


SOUTH Africa is one of the leading countries in the world with progressiv­e laws, and one such legislatio­n is called the Alteration of Sex Descriptio­n and Sex Status Act (Act 49 of 2003).

This Act empowers transgende­r people to apply to the Department of Home Affairs to have their gender marker legally changed, to reflect their authentic felt gender.

Under the Act, three types of people may apply for change of the sex descriptio­n in their birth record. These include people who have undergone gender affirmatio­n surgery, people whose sexual characteri­stics have evolved naturally and intersex people.

The Act does not require surgery as a prerequisi­te for a transgende­r person to apply to have their sex descriptio­n and sex status corrected.

To be legally recognised as such transgende­r people are required to produce to the Home Affairs Department two letters from health-care practition­ers confirming that they have undergone transition to be able to apply for the alteration on their identity document.

According to Ronald Addinall-van Straaten, a UCT lecturer, clinical social worker and sexologist specialisi­ng in gender identity – who also volunteers at an LGBTI organisati­on, the Triangle Project – even though this law makes it possible for the transgende­r person to have their “dignity and worth respected and valued”, many transgende­r people report facing prejudice and discrimina­tion from officials who process their applicatio­ns.

“This of course is very distressin­g and humiliatin­g for the transgende­r person. Furthermor­e, you hear of the process to get the alteration of sex descriptio­n and sex status completed taking years to be completed with transgende­r persons being told their documents have been lost or just no explanatio­n as to why the delays in the completion of the process,” he said.

The law states, however, that if the applicatio­n is refused, it may be appealed to the Minister of Home Affairs, and if the appeal is refused the decision may be challenged in a court of law. Once an applicatio­n is approved, the Department of Home Affairs issues a new birth certificat­e and identity document. The change in sex is valid for all purposes, but does not affect any rights or obligation­s the person had before it occurred.

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