Cape Times

Growth of Germany’s neo-fascist party, now its third largest, is to be feared

- Dyer is an independen­t journalist whose articles are published in 45 countries. Gwynne Dyer

ANGELA Merkel’s slogan in her campaign for a fourth term as chancellor was terminally bland and smug – “For a Germany in which we live well and love living” – but it did the job, sort of.

Her Christian Democratic Union (CDU) is back as the largest party, so she gets to form the next coalition government. But the neo-fascists are now in the Bundestag (parliament) for the first time since the collapse of Nazi Germany.

It’s not Merkel’s fault, exactly, but the numbers tell the tale. The CDU had its worst result ever, down from 40% of the vote at the last election to only 33% this time. And it looks like the 7% of the vote that the CDU lost went straight to the Alternativ­e for Germany (AfD), the neo-fascist party, whose support was up from just under 5% last time to 12.6% this time.

That makes the AfD the third-biggest party in the Bundestag. All the others have sworn to have nothing to do with it, so Merkel’s party will have to seek its coalition partners elsewhere. It will take at least a month to make the coalition deal, which will probably link the CDU with the business-friendly Free Democrats and the Greens, but that is not the big story. The rise of the hard right is.

“Rise” is a relative term, of course: only one German in eight actually voted for the AfD. But that is still shocking in a country that thought it had permanentl­y excised all that old Nazi stuff from its politics.

The AfD was founded by an economics professor who just wanted Germany to leave the euro currency, but in the past four years it has been taken over by anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant ultra-nationalis­ts, and they do sound a little bit like You-KnowWho at times.

Alice Weidel, the AfD’s co-leader, has described Merkel’s government as “pigs” who merely serve as “marionette­s of the victorious powers of World War II, whose task it is to keep down the German people”.

The party’s other co-leader, Alexander Gauland, in a speech last week, said: “We’ve the right to be proud of the achievemen­ts of German soldiers in two world wars.”

That sort of comment might be interestin­g to debate in a university seminar on German history, but 72 years after Hitler’s death it is still too soon to say out loud in a Europe that was ravaged by German armies in World War II. Gauland, Weidel and their AfD colleagues are playing with fire and well aware of it.

The truly alarming thing, however, is not the occasional echo of the Nazis in AfD rhetoric. It is the fact that Germany is conforming to a general trend towards the authoritar­ian, ultra-nationalis­t right in Western politics.

Each country does it in its own historical style. The pro-Brexit campaign in the UK last year was actually led by isolationi­st “Little Englanders”. Their implausibl­e promise of a glorious free-trading future for the UK outside the EU was just a necessary nod in the direction of economic rationalit­y – but the Brexiteers won because enough people wanted to believe them.

Similarly, Donald Trump fits comfortabl­y into the American tradition and it got him voted in.

In France, Marine Le Pen appealed to nationalis­m, anti-immigrant sentiment and the resentment of the long-term unemployed.

The common thread that runs through all these events, beyond the racism, nationalis­m and xenophobia, is economic distress. The gap between the rich and the rest was tolerated when everybody’s income was rising, but that’s not been true for 30 years, and patience among the “losers” has run out.

This is still early days, but the direction of the drift in Western politics is clear, and it is deeply undesirabl­e. The only thing that will stop it is decisive action to narrow the income gap again, but that is very hard to do in the face of the currently dominant economic doctrine. Houston, we have a problem.

 ?? Picture: REUTERS ?? IN THEIR NUMBERS: Supporters of German Chancellor Angela Merkel hold up signs during an election rally in Regensburg, Germany. Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union is back as the largest party, so she gets to form the next coalition government.
Picture: REUTERS IN THEIR NUMBERS: Supporters of German Chancellor Angela Merkel hold up signs during an election rally in Regensburg, Germany. Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union is back as the largest party, so she gets to form the next coalition government.

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