Cape Times

Less truth, more bull, would benefit documentar­y

- Kristen Page-Kirby

THE poster for The Paris Opera declares “the drama starts before the curtain rises”. Unfortunat­ely, that’s not entirely true.

The French documentar­y follows the hallowed institutio­n through its 2015-2016 season, the first under director Stéphane Lissner. Film-maker Jean-Stéphane Bron takes a cinémavéri­té approach, hanging back and letting the audience observe the happenings, without commentary.

Although the action of the film is chronologi­cal, Bron hops around from place to place – boardroom, dressing room, practice room – and from subject to subject, so quickly that, without guidance, it’s nearly impossible to place anything in context. The fragments never quite coalesce into a full picture.

There are some exceptions: we meet Mikhail Timoshenko, a Russian bass baritone, at his first audition for the company.

As the film progresses, it’s fun to see him, all rumpled curls and starstruck eyes, begin to find his place in the reality of what is clearly his dream job.

Likewise, watching a director trying to figure out how to bring a live bull named Easy Rider on stage for a production of Schoenberg’s Moses und Aron without anyone getting trampled or gored is a small but enjoyable vignette of backstage (and barnyard) life.

The theatre is often a life characteri­sed by hours of drudgery, broken by moments of glory. In that sense, The Paris Opera is a good representa­tion of the struggle behind the spectacle.

In movies, though, it’s sometimes best to even out those proportion­s – a little less absolute truth, and a little more bull.

 ??  ?? HORNING IN: A 900-kg bull steals the limelight at the premiere of Moses und Aron.
HORNING IN: A 900-kg bull steals the limelight at the premiere of Moses und Aron. Picture: FILM MOVEMENT

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