Cape Times

Health Reporter


STRENGTH training – also called resistance training or weightlift­ing – isn’t just for muscular bodybuilde­rs.

It’s a type of exercise that should be part of everyone’s overall fitness plan.

Why? Strength training keeps muscle toned, reduces body fat and helps burn more calories even when you’re not working out.

Strong muscles are especially important as you age to stay steady on your feet and as independen­t as possible.

But it’s not just your muscles that benefit from strength training but your heart too can greatly benefit.

While most exercisers assume that to boost their heart rate they need to do cardio exercises such as running, cycling and swimming, researcher­s seem to suggest that strength training can actually significan­tly improve your heart health too.

Dr Timothy Miller, a sports medicine physician at Ohio State University said: “Strength training often gets overlooked for its importance in improving cardiovasc­ular health, but it can be a valuable addition in reducing the risk of heart disease. In fact, research suggests that when it comes to improving certain markers of heart health, strength training is just good – if not better – than cardio.”

A study published in the Journal of Physical Therapy Science found that a simple lower body strength and balance training programme can also decrease falls as you get older. Upper body strength counts, too, allowing you to accomplish everyday tasks, from carrying groceries to walking your dog.

If you’re new to strength training, a certified trainer can put together a plan with your fitness goals and ability in mind.

You don’t have to join a gym to strength train. You can work out at home using a set of free weights, such as a mix of dumb-bells and barbells, a home weight-training machine, resistance bands that come in graduated tensions, or even plastic bottles filled with sand or water.

Do a total body workout at least twice a week, one that targets all the major muscle groups. An alternativ­e is to break up your routine by focusing on your upper body two days of the week and on your lower body and “core” abdominal muscles on two other days.

As you get stronger, challenge yourself.

Whenever an exercise in your current routine gets too easy, add more repetition­s or more weight/ resistance.

It’s important to give your muscles a break, too. Always allow two days between training sessions to give muscles time to recover and grow.

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