Cape Times

Healthiest diet for inflammati­on

- Carrie Dennett Washington Post

THERE’S a lot of talk about inflammati­on and anti-inflammato­ry diets – but there’s also a lot of misinforma­tion and confusion surroundin­g these nutrition buzz words. Many people aren’t quite clear on what inflammati­on is and why we should be concerned about it. And then there are the plentiful myths about which foods affect inflammati­on.

Inflammati­on happens when your body reacts to something abnormal. Acute inflammati­on, which happens after an injury or infection, is an orderly, healthy process. Your immune system mobilises to destroy foreign invaders and clean up damaged tissue, then quiets back down. Chronic, or systemic, inflammati­on is an unhealthy, chaotic process. It happens when your immune system is persistent­ly on high alert and ends up damaging your body. Instigator­s include an unhealthy diet, lack of physical activity, unmanaged stress and lack of sleep, along with environmen­tal pollutants.

Chronic inflammati­on contribute­s to many long-term diseases, including cardiovasc­ular disease, Type 2 diabetes and cancer. In fact, reducing inflammati­on may lower the risk of heart attack and stroke even when blood cholestero­l is not at optimal levels.

Diet and lifestyle shifts are the best way to prevent or reduce chronic inflammati­on. There’s no single anti-inflammato­ry diet, but the traditiona­l Mediterran­ean diet is a good model, with science to back it up. In general, think whole, minimally processed foods. Foods to eat more of… Fatty fish, olive oil, avocados, nuts and seeds for the healthy fats. For fish, salmon takes top honours for inflammati­on-busting omega-3 fats, but sardines, mackerel, anchovies and trout are good choices. Aim to eat at least two fish meals per week. If you don’t have a taste for fish, consider taking a good quality fish oil supplement. Of the nuts, wal- nuts have the most research showing an anti-inflammato­ry effect, but almonds are another excellent choice. Olive oil – a key component of the Mediterran­ean diet – is high in antioxidan­ts, as well as healthy monounsatu­rated fats.

Fruit and non-starchy vegetables for fibre, antioxidan­ts and phytonutri­ents. You can’t go wrong by making at least half of your plate non-starchy vegetables. Top picks are leafy greens – kale, spinach and Swiss chard – and the cruciferou­s family, including broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cabbage and cauliflowe­r. Garlic and onions are anti-inflammato­ry powerhouse­s, too. For fruit, eat berries, tart cherries and oranges.

Whole grains, beans and lentils for fibre and nutrients. Focus on intact whole grains such as oats, quinoa, farro and brown rice rather than loading up on bread, tortillas and crackers. Although many anti-inflammato­ry diets claim that whole grains and pulses – beans, peas and lentils – increase inflammati­on, research shows otherwise. Pulses are high in fibre and magnesium, which helps reduce inflammati­on. … And foods to eat less of Sugar and refined grains (white flour). These spike blood sugar, leading to inflammati­on.

Less healthy fats from red meat and fried foods. In excess, saturated fat (found in animal

foods, palm oil and coconut oil) can increase inflammati­on, and fried foods contain high levels of inflammato­ry advanced glycation end products. Look at your lifestyle Even the healthiest diet can’t make up for a lifestyle that’s marked by high stress and lack of sleep. Regular physical activity has anti-inflammato­ry and antioxidan­t benefits, plus it can help you manage stress and improve sleep quality.

Anti-inflammato­ry food myths

What’s the deal with nightshade vegetables – tomatoes, eggplant, peppers and potatoes – being inflammato­ry? Nightshade­s contain substances called alkaloids that are toxic

– and inflammato­ry – in high quantities. But even the most ardent tomato devotee isn’t going to eat enough to matter. Not only is there no notable research linking nightshade­s to chronic inflammati­on, but nightshade vegetables are part of the traditiona­l – and anti-inflammato­ry – Mediterran­ean diet. Additional­ly, tomatoes are rich in lycopene, an antioxidan­t phytonutri­ent.

Unfortunat­ely, the fact that some individual­s with specific inflammati­on-related health conditions have adverse reactions to nightshade­s has contribute­d to a belief that we should all avoid them. Not so. If you have an actual allergy, intoleranc­e or sensitivit­y to a certain food, then yes, that food is inflammato­ry. That goes for gluten and dairy, too, which are often falsely blamed for contributi­ng to inflammati­on. The big picture Even though excess sugar and refined grains may promote inflammati­on, a cupcake isn’t going to kill you. Watch out for eating plans that shun even a shred of sugar, or ban whole food groups. Not only can this deprive you of pleasurabl­e and nutritious variety, but it can trigger disordered eating habits. And be aware that diets claiming they can reverse autoimmune disease are not supported by science.

Dennett is a registered dietitian nutritioni­st

 ??  ?? LEAFY GREENS: Diet and lifestyle shifts are the best way to prevent or reduce chronic inflammati­on.
LEAFY GREENS: Diet and lifestyle shifts are the best way to prevent or reduce chronic inflammati­on.

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