Cape Times

Mugabe’s ruthless rise to power

- Cris Chinaka

HARARE: When he came to power, Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe was feted as an African liberation hero in a nation that had endured nearly a century of white colonial rule.

Nearly four decades after the country’s independen­ce from Britain in 1980, he was regarded by many as an autocrat, willing to unleash death squads, rig elections and trash the economy in the relentless pursuit of power.

Educated and urbane, Mugabe took power after seven years of a liberation bush war and is the only leader Zimbabwe, formerly Rhodesia, has known since independen­ce from Britain in 1980.

“It’s the end of a very painful and sad chapter in the history of a young nation, in which a dictator, as he became old, surrendere­d his court to a gang of thieves around his wife,” Chris Mutsvangwa, leader of Zimbabwe’s influentia­l liberation war veterans,said after the army takeover.

Born on a Catholic mission near Harare, Mugabe was educated by Jesuit priests and worked as a primary school teacher before going to the University of Fort Hare, then a breeding ground for African nationalis­m.

Returning to Rhodesia in 1960, he entered politics but was jailed for a decade four years later for opposing white rule.

After his release, he rose to the top of the powerful Zimbabwe African National Liberation Army, known as the “thinking man’s guerrilla” on account of his seven degrees, three of them earned behind bars.

Later, as he crushed his political enemies, he boasted of another qualificat­ion – “a degree in violence”.

After the long bush war ended, Mugabe was elected as the nation’s first black prime minister. Initially, he offered reconcilia­tion to old adversarie­s as he presided over a booming economy.

But it was not long before Mugabe began to suppress challenger­s such as liberation war rival Joshua Nkomo.

Faced with a revolt in the mid1980s in the western province of Matabelela­nd which he blamed on Nkomo, Mugabe sent in North Korean-trained army units, provoking an internatio­nal outcry over alleged atrocities against civilians.

Human rights groups say 20 000 people died, most from Nkomo’s Ndebele tribe. The discovery of mass graves prompted accusation­s of genocide against Mugabe.

After two terms as prime minister, Mugabe changed the constituti­on and was elected president in 1990, shortly before the death of his first wife, Sally, seen by many as the only person capable of restrainin­g him.

When, at the end of the century, he lost a constituti­onal referendum followed by a groundswel­l of black anger at the slow pace of land reform, his response was uncompromi­sing.

As gangs of black people calling themselves war veterans invaded white-owned farms, Mugabe said it was a correction of colonial injustices.

The farm seizures helped ruin one of Africa’s most dynamic economies, with a collapse in agricultur­al foreign exchange earnings unleashing hyperinfla­tion.

The economy shrank by more than a third from 2000 to 2008, sending unemployme­nt above 80%. Several million Zimbabwean­s fled, mostly to South Africa.

The country hit rock bottom in 2008, when 500 billion percent inflation drove people to support the challenge of Western-backed former union leader Morgan Tsvangirai.

Facing defeat in a presidenti­al run-off, Mugabe resorted to violence, forcing Tsvangirai to withdraw after scores of his supporters were killed by Zanu-PF thugs.

An increasing­ly worried South Africa squeezed the pair into a fractious unity coalition but the compromise belied Mugabe’s de facto grip on power through his continued control of the army, police and secret service.

On the eve of the 2013 election, Mugabe dismissed cries of autocracy and likened dealing with Tsvangirai to sparring in the ring.

At the same time, Mugabe’s agents were finalising plans to engineer an election victory through manipulati­on of the voters’ roll, the Tsvangirai camp said.

The subsequent landslide was typical of a man who could always outfight and out-think opponents.

 ?? Picture: AP ?? VICTORY: An overjoyed Zimbabwean dances on the roof of a vehicle.
Picture: AP VICTORY: An overjoyed Zimbabwean dances on the roof of a vehicle.

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