Cape Times

Fairvest to acquire control of Diepkloof properties

- Roy Cokayne

FAIRVEST, the listed property company, had agreed to acquire a controllin­g stake in Bara Precinct, which owns several properties in Diepkloof collective­ly valued at R322.43 million.

The company said yesterday that the acquisitio­n was in line with its strategy of acquiring assets servicing the lower living standards measure market located in non-metropolit­an areas and rural, convenienc­e and community shopping centres located in high-growth nodes, close to commuter networks, with a view to providing shareholde­rs with attractive returns and distinctiv­e diversifie­d opportunit­ies.

The properties in the Bara Precinct included in the transactio­n are a mix of freehold and leasehold properties, and the transactio­n involves the Buffet Group.

They include the 4 082m² Diepkloof Hotel, the 1 385m² Soccer Centre, the 6 991m² Blackchain Centre, the 3 200m² Bara Square, the 3 658m² JPC Centre, the 3 470m² Toby Centre and 551m² Mogai Centre.

Fairvest, in terms of the transactio­n, would subscribe Bara Precinct A-shares and own 50.17 percent of all the Bara Precinct shares in issue.

Newco, which together with Baraprop Investment­s, Buffshelfc­o 40 and Bara Precinct all form part of the Buffet Group, would acquire Bara Precinct shares and own 49.73 percent of all the Bara Precinct in issue. The subscripti­on considerat­ion due by Fairvest was expected to amount to R82.54m and that of Newco to about R81.9m.

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