Cape Times

Militants destroy communicat­ion mast in Kenya


WAJIR: Suspected al-Shabaab militants yesterday destroyed a communicat­ion mast in Kutulo in Wajir County, Kenya, paralysing communicat­ion in the area.

Wajir County Police commander Stephen Ngetich said gunmen used a rocket propelled grenade to attack mobile service provider Safaricom’s mast at 2am before engaging in a gunfight with four officers manning it. “The militants wanted to cut off communicat­ions in the area between El Wak and Kutulo and prevent reinforcem­ents by security officers to enable them to carry out terrorist attacks in the area. But we thwarted this,” Ngetich said.

The police commander confirmed that none of the security officers with whom the insurgents engaged in the fight was injured and said they had all been traced.

He added the attackers escaped into thick bush. “All our officers are safe for now but the mast was completely burnt down in the incident,” Ngetich said. He said a major manhunt had been launched in the area for the suspects who fled.

Wajir County had enjoyed relative calm for the past four years.

The police commander warned that they would not allow criminals to disrupt the “peace and tranquilli­ty” returning to the remote town after attacks witnessed in 2013.

North-eastern Kenya has suffered grenade and gun attacks in recent years, since Kenya took its troops to Somalia to fight the al-Shabaab militia group in October 2011.

Several attacks believed to have been carried out by al-Shabaab have occurred in Mandera, Wajir, and Garissa and Dadaab districts of north-eastern Kenya even as the military reports gains against the Islamist group by capturing their military bases and killing scores of them.

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