Cape Times

US criticises ban on Swazi opposition


JOBURG: Lisa Peterson, the US ambassador to Swaziland, has spoken out in support of banned political parties in the kingdom where King Mswati III rules as an absolute monarch, Richard Rooney from Swazimedia.blogspot reported.

Parties are not allowed to contest elections and people and groups that advocate for democratic reform are prosecuted under the Suppressio­n of Terrorism Act, the website reported.

“Internatio­nal organisati­ons such as the EU and Commonweal­th routinely declare that Swaziland’s elections are not free and fair,” said Rooney.

“After the last election in 2013, the Commonweal­th Observer Mission and AU separately called for a review of the kingdom’s constituti­on to unban parties.”

The king chooses the prime minister and top government ministers.

Last Friday, Peterson addressed a group of editors in regards to a poll which suggested that Swazis did not support political parties.

“For me that speaks to people not seeing what a political party can do for them. You need to build understand­ing and policy of advocacy at the grass root levels, so that you can get a number of people thinking in a similar manner,” said Peterson.

Three political parties intend to approach the courts to reverse a ban on parties in the run-up to elections this year. They are the People’s United Democratic Movement, the Swaziland Democratic Party and the Ngwane National Liberatory Congress.

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