Cape Times

Photo exhibition reflects on why artists ‘click’

- Raphael Wolf

A PHOTOGRAPH­Y exhibition, hosted at the Eclectica Contempora­ry gallery at 69 Burg Street in the CBD last night, highlighte­d six artists who make, take and present work that offers a fresh realm of possibilit­y within their medium.

Titled Stop stop click, the exhibition addressed a key question within the industry of the future of the image.

To stop, to pause, to click manifests in everyday life across many platforms and interactio­ns, and to take seriously the art of photograph­y, does this mean a forfeiting of chance?

Or the momentary and immediate? Or does it simply mean a reconsider­ing of interactio­n and a reframing of approach to image-making?

Commenting on the work of the five artists – Kyu Sang Lee, Mia Thom, Justin Dingwall, Morgan Kunhardt and Bianca Bell – curator Clare Patrick, who exhibits one work at the exhibition, said: “The exhibition looks at the possibilit­y of what photograph­s made possible in art.

“All of the photograph­ers work with different techniques to create images that speaks back to what it possible.”

The gallery said the danger within all of this is to not move so far beyond what is accessible, but to make work that challenges viewers without alienating them.

The featured artists each pause on the idea of making and taking and present work that offers a new realm of possibilit­y within their medium.

 ??  ?? STUNNING: 3 by curator Clare Patrick is one of the works at the exhibition Stop stop click at Eclectica Contempora­ry gallery.
STUNNING: 3 by curator Clare Patrick is one of the works at the exhibition Stop stop click at Eclectica Contempora­ry gallery.
 ??  ?? THOUGHTFUL: Transcend and Rise by Justin Dingwall.
THOUGHTFUL: Transcend and Rise by Justin Dingwall.
 ??  ?? TOPICAL: Grappling Identity by Morgan Kunhardt.
TOPICAL: Grappling Identity by Morgan Kunhardt.

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