Cape Times

Denial won’t save us

- Anton Smith Table View

I WRITE this at the risk of being reactive or denying other people their fair chance of opinion, or taking up this issue to the point of boredom.

In view of VF Wilmshurst’s reply to us whiners and bleaters who have nothing to offer, I generalise­d on my perception of the human race as a collective.

I have nothing personal against the writer or all other good, selfless sections of this race. I totally agree also that compassion is needed, especially to the victims. I do not deny that a lot of people are doing amazing things.

The fact is that for every good deed done, a million terrible ones are committed by this species. That is the basis of my argument. To tell me that I am a whiner and that I have nothing to offer when taking on this pathetic species for raping their children and killing for fun is one thing.

But while you were writing your letter, did you hear that soft, fearful cry in the background?

That was a child getting raped, not the one getting nurtured.

Did you hear the deafening sound of an explosive device killing others from a rival religion? Did you hear all the many other noises of horrible deeds being committed by this species?

Oh, and while I am finishing my letter, did you hear that? No? Listen carefully.

That was a helpless old person getting beaten by her caretaker.

You probably didn’t. Of course we don’t like to discuss this reality. Denial is not conducive to growth.

Much much more than compassion is needed, I am sad to say.

To the small percentage of good humans, I salute you!

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