Cape Times

Union slams worker assault

- Chevon Booysen and Dominic Adriaanse

THE Commercial Stevedorin­g Agricultur­al & Allied Workers Union (CSAAWU) has called for the axing of a Wolseley winery plant manager who allegedly assaulted a female for requesting her tips.

This after Brenn-O-Kem decided to give Francois du Toit a final written warning after he allegedly slapped Abre Blaauw.

The union said the incident happened at the Waverley Hills Farm Restaurant in Wolseley.

She alleged further that Du Toit regularly humiliated and spoke down to her in the presence of other employees, said CSAAWU.

Brenn-O-Kem’s human resource assistant manager, Maudlin Kotella, said they were awaiting the outcome of an appeal hearing that took place on July 24.

The final written warnings remain valid for 12 months.

“Note that the company uses a workers’ organisati­on that manages all disciplina­ry and appeals hearings.

“During the initial disciplina­ry hearing, Du Toit was found guilty and received a final written warning in accordance with the recommenda­tion made,” Kotella said.

Du Toit had faced a complaint of sexual harassment, victimisat­ion and the illegal use of cameras in the workplace lodged by another female employee.

The matter was dealt with internally, said Kotella.

“Both parties have reached an agreement.

“The company reserves the right to take further action on allegation­s and unfounded allegation­s,” Kotella said.

CSAAWU said they were “appalled” by the response to the assault attack.

The organisati­on has called for Du Toit’s immediate dismissal to send a clear and unambiguou­s message against farmworker assaults and women abuse.

“Du Toit admitted to the incident but claimed he slapped her by accident and that it was not intentiona­l nor malicious. CSAAWU condemns this kid-gloves approach to the issue of workplace assaults,” the statement read.

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